Gerald Ford & Jimmy Carter Created by Mr. Johnson
Ford Administration
Gerald Ford (R) Domestic PolicyDomestic Policy First non-elected executiveFirst non-elected executive Nixon pardonNixon pardon Church Committee investigationChurch Committee investigation Clemency boards for draft dodgers & desertersClemency boards for draft dodgers & deserters Economic recession: energy crisis, stagflation & “WIN”Economic recession: energy crisis, stagflation & “WIN” Lost 1976 electionLost 1976 election
Gerald Ford (R) Foreign PolicyForeign Policy Continued Nixon’s policy of détenteContinued Nixon’s policy of détente Helsinki AgreementHelsinki Agreement Apollo-Soyuz Test ProjectApollo-Soyuz Test Project End of Vietnam WarEnd of Vietnam War Fall of SaigonFall of Saigon Khmer Rouge & Cambodian genocideKhmer Rouge & Cambodian genocide
Ford Replaces Nixon
Pardon of Nixon
Church Committee Investigation
Fall of Saigon
Khmer Rouge & Cambodian Genocide
Détente: Helsinki Agreements
Détente: Apollo-Soyuz
Clemency for Draft Evaders & Deserters
Energy Crisis Continues
Economic Recession Mid-1970s saw worst economic conditions since Great DepressionMid-1970s saw worst economic conditions since Great Depression
Stagflation Rising prices (inflation)Rising prices (inflation) Flat wages & high unemployment (stagnant economy)Flat wages & high unemployment (stagnant economy) Problem throughout 1970sProblem throughout 1970s
WIN – Ford “Whip Inflation Now”“Whip Inflation Now” Voluntary measuresVoluntary measures ButtonsButtons Save moneySave money Conserve fuelConserve fuel Vegetable gardensVegetable gardens Ineffective, so…Ineffective, so… More direct measuresMore direct measures Unemployment benefitsUnemployment benefits Deficit spendingDeficit spending Tax cutsTax cuts
Election of 1976
Carter Administration
Jimmy Carter (D) Domestic policyDomestic policy “Washington outsider”“Washington outsider” Blanket amnesty for draft evaders & desertersBlanket amnesty for draft evaders & deserters Three Mile Island accidentThree Mile Island accident Reorganization of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Reorganization of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) National Energy PolicyNational Energy Policy Environmental SuperfundEnvironmental Superfund Deregulation of airlinesDeregulation of airlines Stagnant economyStagnant economy 2 nd OPEC embargo2 nd OPEC embargo Crisis of Confidence (“economic malaise”) speechCrisis of Confidence (“economic malaise”) speech
Jimmy Carter (D) Foreign PolicyForeign Policy Camp David AccordsCamp David Accords Human Rights policyHuman Rights policy Panama Canal TreatyPanama Canal Treaty End of détenteEnd of détente Soviet invasion of AfghanistanSoviet invasion of Afghanistan SALT II failedSALT II failed U.S. grain embargo on U.S.S.R.U.S. grain embargo on U.S.S.R. U.S. Boycott of 1980 OlympicsU.S. Boycott of 1980 Olympics Sandinista Revolution in NicaraguaSandinista Revolution in Nicaragua Iranian Revolution & Hostage CrisisIranian Revolution & Hostage Crisis
“Washington Outsider”
Blanket Amnesty
Three Mile Island Disaster
National Energy Act Energy efficiencyEnergy efficiency Alternative sources of energyAlternative sources of energy
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Environmental Superfund
Deregulation of Airlines
Camp David Accords
Human Rights Policy
Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua
Panama Canal Treaty
End of Détente
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, 1979
U.S. Grain Embargo on U.S.S.R.
U.S. Boycott of 1980 Olympics
1979 Iranian Revolution
Iran Hostage Crisis
Failed Rescue Attempt
2 nd OPEC Oil Embargo
1979 Energy Crisis
Historic Oil Prices
“Crisis of Confidence” Speech “We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation… In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self- indulgence and consumption.”
New Right Coalition Small-governmentSmall-government Cut taxesCut taxes Cut social programsCut social programs Conservative Christian groupsConservative Christian groups TelevangelistsTelevangelists Moral MajorityMoral Majority Business interestsBusiness interests Cut taxesCut taxes Restore faith lost by CarterRestore faith lost by Carter
Ronald Reagan RepublicanRepublican Actor, California governorActor, California governor “Let’s make America great again”“Let’s make America great again”
Election of 1980