8. Valuation & Penalty October 1, 2008 Version : 5.0
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 2 1. Valuation Management Overview This improves a transport efficiency by valuating the transport performance classified by transport vendors with various standards and allocating scores to the transport, and inducing a natural competition. Moreover, this improves the transport performance of the transport vendors by reflecting a score result on a next transport allocation rate. 2. Valuation Management Process Flow ProcessSystemCustomer / Process 1. Valuation & Penalty Item Master 2. Valuation & Penalty Standard 3.POD 4. Valuation & Penalty Entry Valu & Pnlt Standard Valu & Pnlt Standard Entry Valu & Pnlt Entry Operator Valuation Entry Operator Valu & Pnlt Item Master Valu & Pnlt Item Entry Operator POD Proof of delivery Entry Operator HMI AS400 POD I / F (Interface)
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 3 ProcessSystemCustomer / Process 5. Penalty Confirm 6. Payment Penalty Confirm Operator 2. Valuation Management Process Flow Payment Entry Operator Payment Entry
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 4 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Item Master Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Item 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Item Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Business Description A total transport performance function classified by transport vendors is added through a second GITMS development. Codes for standard fields as a valuation basis are necessary for the valuation. That is, this is a screen for generating and managing a basic code for the valuation. For example, `SYGIT` is necessary code for managing a delay of `Gate In` time. A valuation score is reflected by calculating a time of `Gate In`. A valuation basic code is divided into a system code and a user cod. The system code is indispensable code for a valuation field which is automatically calculated and generated in a POD entry. A user cannot modify or delete the system code. However, the user code represents a specific cod which is not automatically generated by a system such as `Fuel Pilferage`. Moreover, valuation & penalty are selectively used as a valuation basic code. Because this has an influence on other fields, this set is important. For example, If the valuation is set to `Use`, and the penalty is set to `Unuse`, the valuation score occurs, but penalty does not occur.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 5 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Item Master Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Item 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Item Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition Valuation & Penalty standard code management. Various standard codes are registered to be used in Valuation & Penalty management. Input contents on ① of an upper portion, and save the contents by clicking [Save] button. A code including `SY` denotes a system code. The system code cannot be modified or unused. Field Description Item CD : Input 5 characters of alphabet as a standard code. Item Name : Code Description. Sys/User : System Code/User Code (This is an inquiry condition, and a user is registered irrespective of the selection.) Add/Demerit : Adding score / Demerit score Eval/Pnlt : If `Valuation Use` is checked, this is used in the valuation management. If `Penalty Use` is checked, this is used in the penalty management. (Both of them can be checked.) Use Y/N : Use state ( `N` denotes `Use stop`.) 1
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 6 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Standard Inquiry Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Basis 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Basis Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Business Description A category for the valuation is necessary for the valuation & penalty. For example, the valuation is performed based on a time delay of `Gate In`, and different scores are allocated according to a minute unit. A category of minutes unit is necessary for this valuation. This is a place for registering and managing the category for the valuation. There are various sorts of categories for the valuation. Time, Date, The number of vehicles, Truck Year (ages) are applied for various categories according to the valuation filed. In case of a user code except a system code, because the user code is applied for a specific case, scores are allocated irrespective of the category when the specific case occurs. In the case of the user code, scores are allocated and registered differently according to a situation.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 7 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Standard Inquiry Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Basis 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Basis Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition Score & Penalty are registered to be matched with a category using a valuation & penalty standard code. For example, in a case of `Gate In Time`, if a category (Std.Number) is 30 minutes, the valuation score is -1. Field Description Valu / Pnty Seq : Valuation/Penalty Sequence Number ( Whenever a registration is newly performed, this increases.) Item CD : Code registered in Item Master. Add/Demerit : Addition score / Demerit score Std.Number : Valuation & Penalty Category. This depends on various situations. For example, this denotes minutes in a yard management, and this notes vehicle quantity (Qty) in a transport quality management. Moreover, this denotes year (Year) in a `TP Age` management, this denotes days (Days) in `POD Delay`. Score : Valuation score Penalty Amount : Penalty
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 8 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Standard Inquiry Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Basis 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Basis Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition If [New] button is clicked, a category, a score, and a penalty of new valuation & penalty are registered. If a previous version is inputted in `Search Seq` and a search is performed, previous data are set, and a part to be modified is saved by clicking [Save] button. From Effective Date : Input an apply start date of a newly registered standard code. It is impossible to input a prior date to a previous version. Valuation/Penalty Seq : Entry Sequence of Standard Code. This is displayed in a change mode, and this field is `View Only`. If the code registered in `Item Master` is registered as `Unuse` for the valuation & penalty, an input filed is inactivated and cannot be inputted. A characteristic value of a code must be changed to `Use` in `Item Master` if scores or penalty must be inputted. Add/Demerit is determined in `Item Master`.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 9 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Standard Inquiry Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Basis 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Basis Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition If a new standard code is registered by clicking [New] button, a confirm is performed by clicking [Confirm] button. Before `Confirm` is performed, it is possible to change the standard code freely, but if `Confirm` is performed, the standard code cannot be modified and deleted. `Effective Date` is set to `Not Confirm`, and the confirm is performed by clicking [Confirm] button. If incorrect data is confirmed, the date must be newly registered by clicking [New] button again. If there are at least two standard codes having `Effective Date` of the same date, the valuation & penalty is processed based on the last registered code data. The apply start date of `Effective Date` denotes `POD` entry date having a registered valuation & penalty. The valuation & penalty is applied to the apply date corresponding to `POD` entry date.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 10 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Business Description If the transport proof is performed by a POD entry when a transport vendor completes the transport, the system analyzes all registered transport information, and automatically allocates valuation scores to each of transport vendors. A list and calculation method for allocating a valuation score is referred to an enclosed `Valuation_Penalty` document. Moreover, statistic information for the valuation can be saved as an Excel file. After a statistic division is selected in `Excel Kind`, the Excel file is downloaded by clicking [Excel] button. Detail information is referred to a function description.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 11 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition After the statistic of the valuation & penalty classified by transport vendors are searched, detail valuation & penalty information is searched by clicking a transport vendor code. System valuation & penalty information is automatically generated when `POD` is inputted. Trip Cnt : Monthly truck transport number of times classified by transport vendors Trans Qty : Monthly vehicle transport quantity classified by transport vendors Total Score : Total score of valuation scores classified by transport vendors (by month unit) Avg Score : Average valuation score classified by transport vendors (Total Score / Trans Qty ) Total Penalty Amt : Total penalty amount classified by transport vendors (by month unit) Item CD : Valuation & Penalty management code generated in `Item Master` Add / Demerit : Add score / Demerit score LT/LD/CNT : The number of Penalty occurrence (Quantity, Minute, Year). e.g., Count, Minutes, Year, Quantity Exception Reason : Exceptional reason Score : Valuation Score per one Item CD (Valuation Field) Penalty Amt : Penalty amount per one Item CD (Valuation Field)
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 12 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. After a requested field is selected in `Excel Kind`, the requested filed is received by clicking [Excel] button. A downloading result of each filed will be described in a next page.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 13 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind :Total
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 14 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind : Yard management (gate in). Yard management. A time is calculated from an order time to a `Gate In`, and a score is allocated to each of transport vendors. TTL Trip : Truck Trip number of times. TTL Order : Vehicle Transport Quantity. 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 : Valuation division of minute unit which is registered in Valuation & Penalty Standard Entry. If an input time is over than each registered time, a different score is allocated. This score is not fixed and can be changed. No : The number of Vehicles of which input times are over than each registered time. Point : Multiply value of `No` and a valuation score. TTL Point : Total score of each `Point`. Result : TTL Point / TTL Order
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 15 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind : Yard management (gate in). Yard management. A time is calculated from an order time to a `Gate In`, and a score is allocated to each of transport vendors. TTL Trip : Truck Trip number of times. TTL Order : Vehicle Transport Quantity. 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 : Valuation division by minute unit which is registered in Valuation & Penalty Standard Entry. If an input time is over than each registered time, a different score is allocated. This score is not fixed and can be changed. No : The number of Vehicles of which input times are over than each registered time. Point : Multiply value of `No` and a valuation score. TTL Point : Total score of each `Point`. Result : TTL Point / TTL Order
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 16 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind : POD Collection POD Collection management. A time is calculated from `Gate Out` to `POD` entry, and a score is allocated to each of transport vendors. TTL Trip : Truck Trip number of times. TTL Order : Vehicle Transport Quantity. 40, 50, 60 : Valuation division by day unit which is registered in Valuation & Penalty Standard Entry. If an input time is over than each registered days, a different score is allocated. This score is not fixed and can be changed. No : The number of Vehicles of which input times are over than each registered days. Point : Multiply value of `No` and a valuation score. TTL Point : Total score of each `Point`. Result : TTL Point / TTL Order
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 17 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind : Transportation quality Transportation quality management. A set score is allocated according to the deduction of vehicles. TTL LOSS : Total Loss Damage Maj / Min : Major / Minor Damage Brok / Other : Broken Parts / Others Damage Misg / Shot : Missing Document / Shortage Damage Delay : Delay Delivery Damage No : The number of vehicles Pnt : Valuation score TTL Point : Total sum of each `Pnt` Result : TTL Point / Trans Qty
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 18 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind : Customer Satisfaction ▣ COMPLAIN valuation ▷ All `COMPLAIN` reflection which transferred from `Dealer`, and `HMI` to `GLOVIS` through a mail ▷ -1 score allocation per each occurrence ▣ Fuel Pilferage management ▷ -1 score allocation per each occurrence ▣ Problem region transport assistance ▷ +1 score allocation per each transport of the problem region (transport problem region setting -> 24 Page) Trans Qty : Transport quantity TTL Point : Total sum of each `Pnt` Result : TTL Point / Trans Qty
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 19 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Vendor ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Vendor) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading valuation & penalty information with an Excel file. Excel Kind : GLOVIS Management ▣ GLOVIS Valuation (GLOVIS subjective valuation for an executive company) ▣ TP Management (Old TP management : Valuation reflection classified by TP manufactured years) Trans Qty : Transport quantity Result : Total sum of `Pnt` / Trans Qty TTL Result : Result + GLOVIS Valuation
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 20 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Trip) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Business Description This screen is similar to a previous screen, but this shows valuation & penalty by a transport unit.. The valuation list can be confirmed by the transport unit. A valuation allows a user to be persuasive by showing data of an operation time or a transport period as a basis data of the valuation. A user valuation instead of a system valuation per a transport trip can be registered and deleted. (It is impossible to delete the system valuation.) If a demerit score generated by an indispensable situation is exceptional, the demerit score is excluded in the total score. BACK 1 BACK 2
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 21 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Trip) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition After the statistic of the valuation & penalty classified by transport vendors are searched, detail valuation & penalty information is searched by clicking a transport vendor code. System valuation & penalty information is automatically generated when `POD` is inputted. The transport having a valuation score basically is displayed on a screen, if `View All` is checked, all transports are shown. A valuation except for the valuation which is automatically generated by a system can be registered by clicking [Add] button. In case of a specific situation, an exceptional process can be performed by using [Ex] button. Exceptional valuation is not included in a valuation score. Moreover, the valuation using [Add] can be deleted by clicking [Delete] button. Item CD : Valuation & Penalty management code which is generated in Item Master. Add / Demerit : Add Score / Demerit Score LT/LD/CNT : the number of penalties (quantity, minute, year). e.g., Count, Minutes, Year, Quantity Exception Reason : Exceptional reason Score : Valuation score per one Item CD (Valuation Field) Penalty Amt : Penalty amount per one Item CD (Valuation Field)
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 22 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a manual valuation management except the valuation which is automatically registered by a system. The manual valuation is registered by the transport unit. ITEM : Input `Enter Key Code Popup`. (This popup list is managed by `Valuation & Penalty Basis menu`. 60 Page) Add / Demerit : Add Score / Demerit Score, this is automatically enclosed by a selection in the popup. Score : `Score` of popup is brought to the valuation score and can be changed. Penalty. Amt : `Penalty.Amt` of popup is brought to the penalty and can be changed. (If a penalty use status is set to “Nothing” in a corresponding `ITEM Code`, the penalty can be inputted.)
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 23 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a manual valuation management except the valuation which is automatically registered by a system. A manual valuation is cancelled by a transport unit. It is impossible to delete the valuation which is automatically registered by a system. It is possible to delete the valuation which is manually registered by a user.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 24 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition Valuation & Penalty exceptional process A specific situation is prepared by performing an exceptional process for the specific case. The exceptional valuation & penalty is not included in a score or amount. If an exceptional process status (Exception Y/N) is changed to No (Exception Y/N), the exceptional valuation & penalty is cancelled. Exception Reason : a basis data remains by having a reason of an exceptional process.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 25 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip ) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Vendor) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition Valuation & Penalty exceptional entry An exceptional process part is activated and displayed by a separate color as shown above. Moreover, the exceptional process of -5 score is excluded in a total score of an upper portion.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 26 Screen Name Valuation & Penalty Management( Trip) Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Valuation & Penalty Mgmt(Trip) 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Management (Trip) Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading a list data of a screen with an Excel file. The data of the Excel file is displayed once by adding an upper data to a lower data. (That is, upper transport data is repeatedly shown in a left side as number as the valuation data of a lower portion.)
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 27 Screen Name Penalty Confirm Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Penalty Confirm 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This is a screen for issuing an invoice of a penalty amount generated in the valuation & penalty management. This menus must be set so that the penalty is generated. (Two menus of `Valuation & Penalty Item`, and `Valuation & Penalty Basis` are set.) The penalty invoice can be cancelled (deleted) in a case that the payment management and the collection management are not performed. A monthly transport amount and penalty amount classified by vendors are displayed on an upper portion, and a transport having no invoice is displayed as `No Invoice`. The penalty amount is displayed by a transport unit in a lower portion. Moreover, an operation time is searched sequentially if a truck code is clicked.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 28 Screen Name Penalty Confirm Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Penalty Confirm 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Business Description In a case of the penalty, the penalty invoice is issued separately, and it is programmed that the amount which excludes a penalty invoice amount is paid in a payment management. A basis data of the penalty is searched in a lower portion to prepare the claim of the transport vendor.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 29 Screen Name Penalty Confirm Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Penalty Confirm 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition If there is `Penalty`, the penalty amount is automatically allocated. The penalty invoice is confirmed by adjusting the penalty amount freely. A transport vendor is selected (radio button), the penalty amount is adjusted in `Confirm.Amt`, and The penalty amount is confirmed by clicking `Confirm` button.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 30 Screen Name Penalty Confirm Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Penalty Confirm 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition If `Confirm` is performed, a confirmed invoice number is displayed on a lowest part of the list. The invoice number is automatically generated, and a rule is described as below. PN + Base Month + Sequence number 4 places (PN is generated as shown above.) As shown above, a total penalty amount is 66500, but the total penalty amount is adjusted to and is registered. If a radio is selected and [Cancel Cfm] button is clicked, the invoice is cancelled. However, the paid penalty invoice can be cancelled.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 31 Screen Name Penalty Confirm Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Penalty Confirm 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for downloading an upper inquiry screen (invoice list) with an Excel file.
UG_ _A User ManualGlovis India TMS Project 32 Screen Name Penalty Confirm Menu Path Transport > Valuation & Penalty > Penalty Confirm 1.4 Valuation Management Business StepValuation & Penalty Process Name3. TransportWritten byYun ParkDate Definition This has a function for outputting an upper inquiry screen (invoice list) by a page unit.