Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems (c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent a fire sprinkler contractor licensed under the Fire Sprinkler Contractors Licensing Act from providing fire protection system layout documents.
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems For the purpose of this subsection (c), “fire protection layout documents” means layout drawings, catalog information on standard products, and other construction data that provide detail on the location of risers, cross mains, branch lines, sprinklers, piping per applicable standard, and hangar location. Fire protection system layout documents serve as a guide for the fabrication and installation of a fire sprinkler system. SHOP DRAWINGS
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems (d) A building permit for a building that requires a fire suppression system shall not be issued without the submission of a technical submission prepared and sealed by a licensed design professional. Building plans submitted Is the building sprinklered? NoFollow the municipal submittal process Yes Technical submission required Technical submission approved Follow the municipal submittal process Technical submission not approved – resubmital required
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems Fire protection system layout documents do not require an engineering seal if prepared by a technician who holds a valid NICET level 3 pr 4 certification in fire protection technology, automatic sprinkler system layout.
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems Building plans submitted Is the building sprinklered? No Follow the municipal submittal process Yes Technical submission required Technical submission approved Follow the municipal submittal process Permit issued Sprinkler system layout documents submitted
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems An authority having jurisdiction may not accept fire protection system layout documents in lieu of technical submissions. Fire protection system layout documents may be submitted as supporting documents to supplement technical submissions.
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems Plan reviewed for code compliance and compared to the technical submission Sprinkler system layout documents submitted Permit issued
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems How ever, in the event the fire protection system layout documents materially alter the technical submission, the authority having jurisdiction shall return both the fire protection system layout documents and technical submissions, to the licensed design professional for review.
Understanding Fire Sprinkler Systems Layout documents reviewed for code compliance and compared to the technical submission Sprinkler system layout documents submitted Permit issued Layout documents not the same as the technical submission Reject layout documents and technical submission Layout documents and the technical submission the same – follow municipal review procedures