Chapter 7 Immigration and Urbanization Section 2 The Challenges of Urbanization
Urban Opportunities Immigrants Settle in Cities: Industrialization leads to Urbanization (growth of cities) Most immigrants settle in cities (cheap housing / factory jobs) Americanization Movement (assimilate people into main dominate culture)
Migration from Country to City: Farm technology decreases need for labor. African American migrate North and West looking for jobs and fleeing segregation(However, they find segregation and discrimination in the North too)
Urban Problems Housing: Working –class families line in boardinghouses. Tenements – multifamily urban dwellings, overcrowded, and unsanitary. Row House – Sharing side walls with other buildings . (Provided single-family homes for working class families)
Transportation: Mass Transit – move large # of people. Transit system link city to suburbs.
Water: Early cities had inadequate or no piped water, indoor plumbing rare. Filtration introduced in 1870s, Chlorination in 1908.
Sanitation: Streets: manure, open gutters, factory smoke, poor trash collection. By 1900, cities develop sewer systems, and create sanitation departments.
Crime: Thieves flourished as population grew. Murder increased Police force too small to be effective
Fire: Fire Hazards: limited water, wood houses, candles, kerosene heaters. 1900, most cities have full-time fire departments. Fire sprinklers, non-flammable building materials make cities safer.
Reformers Mobilize The Settlement House Movement: Social Gospel Movement – preaches salvation through service to poor. (SOCIAL REFORM) Settlement Houses – community centers in the slums Ran by college-educated women (SOCIAL REFORMERS) Provided education, cultural, and social services. Send visiting nurses to the sick Help with personal, job, and financial problems Jane Addams founds the Hull House with Ellen Gates Starr in 1889.