The Odyssey Picture Book A guide to one of the most famous stories ever told. Created by Ms. Haden & Ms. Bondra
Trojan War Greece vs. Troy Helen “ The face that launched 1,000 ships”
Odysseus and “The Wooden Horse Trick” help Greece win the war.
The Island of Cicones.
Island of The Lotus Eaters
Polyphemus and The Island of the Cyclops
Aeolus “God of Wind”
The Island of Laestrygonians
Aeaea “Home of Circe”
Hades and Tiresias God of The Underworld
The Sirens
Scylla and Charybdis
The Island Of Helios- The Sun God.
OgyGia The Island of Calypso
The Island of the Phaecians