Dag Sjøberg Simula Research Laboratory Basic Research in Computing and Communication Sciences!
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Simula Research Lab. Selected partners in industry Investors and funds International network Research groups in Norway (owners)
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Simula – the name Invention and development of object-orientation in the sixties Ole Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard Realized through the programming language Simula
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August UiO(25%), NTNU(25%), UiB(15%), UiT(15%), NR(10%), SINTEF(10%) Simula Research Laboratory Scientific Computing Software Engineering Communication Technology Board Scientific Advisory Board
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August History (short version) Various proposals 1998, incl. research lab. proposal from UiO Governmental decision ( ) Research Council (2000) –organization and owners –Selection of groups and research areas 5+5 years contract with Research Council
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Department of Software engineering Group leader: Dag Sjøberg 11 persons (9 person-years) Projects/activities –object oriented analysis and design –estimation, planning and risk analysis –product quality and process improvement Facilities –Software engineering lab. (observing/monitoring) software development processes) –Virtual experiment laboratory
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Research issues Object-oriented analysis and design Planning, estimation and risk analysis Process improvement and product quality Improving software development processes
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Object-oriented analysis and design Object-oriented methods, techniques and tools are being increasingly more used in the IT industry. Such technology is often used in combination with –component-based development processes and –processes that support change (incremental and evolutionary development). The software engineering group at Simula Research Laboratory conduct empirical studies on the effect of OO- technologies and development processes. That is, in which situations in what environments should the various technologies and processes be applied?
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Planning, estimation and risk analysis Companies that develop software notoriously exceed time and cost budgets. Poor estimation, planning and risk analysis often lead to unsatisfactory quality of the delivered product, dissatisfied customers and frustrated developers. The software engineering group at Simula Research Laboratory focus on improving existing and developing new models, processes and tools for estimation, planning and risk analysis of software projects.
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Process improvement and product quality To improve how software is developed in companies and organisations, weaknesses must be identified and changes initiated. Important issues are –Experience databases –Learning organisations The software engineering group at Simula Research Laboratory collaborate with industry to identify useful methods for ensuring satisfactory quality of products and processes.
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Publications 2001 Journals Software Effort Estimation by Analogy and “Regression Toward the Mean”, SEKE journal, accepted Impact of Effort Estimates on Software Project Work, to appear in Information and Software Technology Assessing the Changeability of two Object-Oriented Design Alternatives - a Controlled Experiment, Empirical Software Engineering, Software Process Improvement and Human Judgement Heuristics, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Refereed Proceedings Estimating Software Development Effort Based on Use Cases - Experiences from Industry. UML2001 Evolutionary Development of Web-applications - Lessons learned, EuroSPI'2001 Conducting Experiments on Software Evolution, ESEC workshop on softw. evol., 2001 Visualizing Impacts of Database Schema Changes - A Controlled Experiment, In 2001 IEEE Symposium on Visual/Multimedia Approaches to Programming and Software Engineering. Program Understanding Behaviour During Estimation of Enhancement on Small Java Programs, PROFES 2001 Software Effort Estimation by Analogy and Regression Toward the Mean, SEKE’2001 Quality and Understandability in Use Case Models, ECOOP'2001 Can you Trust a Single Data-source Exploratory Software Engineering Case Study? EASE’2001 Data Collection in Software Engineering Experiments, IRMA2001 An Experiment on Lead-Time Impact in Testing of Distributed Real-Time Systems, METRICS’2001. The Importance of Quality Requirements in Software Platform Development - a Survey, HICSS-34. Other Arisholm, E. "Empirical Assessment of Changeability in Object-Oriented Software", PhD Thesis Bratthall, L. "Empirical Studies of the Impact of Architectural Understanding of Software Evolution", PhD Thesis
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Database of Experiment Results - see Name (of experiment) Date/period Type of experiment Responsible Short description of experiment (max 50 words). (include topic, hypothesis, type of experiment, type and number of subjects, required tools, costs, etc.) possibly paper abstract Experiment language Results/publications Experiment documentation Relation to other experiments
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Benefits from/contribution to ISERN –Mutual research visits from the ISERN community (short – long periods, PhD students – professors, researchers in industry) (we have a budget for this) –Collaboration on larger experiments/studies (e.g. inspection, design principles, estimation) –Exchange of experiment data Extension of own experiments to provide others with relevant data –Discussion of research methods, experiment support technologies, how to get subjects, collaboration with industry, etc.
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Collaboration with ISERN members so far Reidar Conradi: SPI, experiments, etc. Lionel Briand: OO metrics etc. Claes Wohlin: Software architecture etc.
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Design of an extended experiment on changeability
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August How to get professionals into exp.? Support of the organisation’s own process improvement work Offer the organisation tailored, internal courses and, for example, use the course exercises as experiments Involve some of the employees in the research and offer them co-authorship of the research paper Offer the organisation a network of people from other organisations with relevant experience Offer honorarium to the subjects (budget at Simula)
Dag Sjøberg, ISERN, Glasgow 20 August Web environments for experiments –Personal registration of background information (name, address, bank account, etc.) –Presentation of tasks –Submission of task solutions –Timestamping (when was the task descriptions checked out, the task solution checked in, when did a break start and stop, etc.) –Down-loading and configuring development tools (if the subjects are supposed to use specific tools decided by the researchers instead of their usual tool environment) –Logging the way a technology is used