survey of the Bible The Book of Nahum
General Overview the book of Nahum focuses exclusively on the sins and judgment against Assyria/Nineveh written about 150 years after Jonah’s prophecies (780-630 B.C.) and about 20 years before the final destruction of Nineveh (612 B.C.) no mention of Judah’s sins, only of Assyria the few mentions of Judah are for them to look to and remember the deliverance of the Lord very focused in its violent picture of their fall
Themes of Nahum God’s sovereignty over the Gentile nations though they worshipped other gods, they would answer to Him, His power and justice (1:1-6, 14) own past showed God would have shown mercy (1:7-8) God’s wrath cannot be withheld (2:8-13; 3:18-19) joy and faith of God’s people (1:7-8, 15, 2:1-2) not because souls were lost, but because God is glorified and His people blessed when God’s righteous vengeance is exercised (2 Thess. 1:3-10)
Importance to Christians praying for our nation (1 Tim. 2:1-4) though not a direct spiritual application, knowing that God exercises providence and judgment on nations should cause us pause and reflection receiving God’s mercy at one point does not guarantee the promise of mercy in the future we will be judged according to current state, not our past faithfulness, current reputation, or future potential (2 Pet. 2:20-22)(Rev. 2:4-5, 3:1, 16-17)
Conclusion the prophecy of Nahum represents just one instance of the terror of the Lord expressed not acknowledging this side of God’s nature, our understanding is incomplete (2 Cor. 5:10-11) our choices: drawing back to perdition or living by faith in hope of salvation (Heb. 10:30-31, 35-39)