HOMEWORK THINGS TO HAVE OUT READ FOR 30 MINUTES Fill-Out Reading Log THINGS TO HAVE OUT AR Reading Log AR Book Traveling Folder Yellow HW Sheet Agenda Paper 3 Subject Notebook for warm-up
AR GE = Grade Equivalency ZPD = Zone of Proximal Development This is the grade level you’re reading at ZPD = Zone of Proximal Development This is the range of reading level you should be reading in Goal = Point goal for the QUARTER This is how many points you must earn this quarter It is based on 6 weeks and 45 minutes of reading per day
AR QUIZZES Take these AS SOON AS YOU CAN after finishing a book Take these in SSR or during tutoring You can arrange to take them with me before or after school, but you must speak with me first I am here until 4:45 on Wednesdays
People who need to see me If you need supplies from me If you need an AR book If you don’t have an ID card or your schedule and you also have no AR book If you have questions about things you need or organizational help
Writing Assessment Read the directions Read the articles Brainstorm Rough draft Final draft (on your own paper) Absolutely NO TALKING What can you do when you’re done?