Bhai Fauja Singh Jee The SUPER DUPER Singh! By: Sikhi Resources
There was an old man named Bhai Fauja Singh Jee who was 100 years old! He was the strongest man in the world! Let’s see your muscles!
He ate all his mummy’s yummy roti and daal. It made him strong! Hands Up: Do you eat all your roti and daal?
He did lots and lots and lots of exercise with his friends which made him stronger. Let’s do some star jumps exercises.
He was very very very kind to everyone. He believed Vaheguru lived in everyone’s heart. This kindness made him stronger! Hands Up: How can we be kind to everyone?
He prayed everyday and Vaheguru made him SUPER DUPER STRONG!!!! Hands Up: What is Bhai Fauja Singh Jee doing in this photo? How can we remember Vaheguru?
Even though he was 100 years old, Vaheguru blessed him with lots of strength to run loooooooong races over super faaaaaaaaaaaaa aaar distances Hands up: Why do you think maharaj blessed him?
By running Bhai Fauja Singh Jee raised lots of money for poorly children. He’s a super duper hero! Hands up: How can we help poorly children?
Bhai Fauja Singh Jee was a SUPER DUPER SINGH because he remembered and thanked Vaheguru everyday Let’s remember Vaheguru together. SIMRAN TIME
Let’s make a trophy for Bhai Fauja Singh Jee as he is SUPER DUPER!
Bhai Fauja Singh Jee The SUPER DUPER Singh! By: Sikhi Resources