A New System for Instructional Design Vishakhadutt D. Patil
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN –What it is n n It is a systematic approach to the development of effective instruction. n n It is the development of strategies for effective communication
Instructional Design –What it isn’t It isn’t a teaching guide. It isn’t a foolproof method for production of sleek training material. It is open to criticism.
Theories n Psychological n Philosophical n Educational n Management n Advertising n Market-Oriented
What is Required n Introspection - looking into ourselves n Induction -looking at the world n Analysis - looking at content and theory n Value - the core of quality
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Philosophy n Intuition - Genesis of the Idea n Rationale - Why this now? n Dialectics - Arguments For and Against n Logic - Inductive, deductive n Ethics - Utility, Rights, and Value Based
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
System n Model n Flow - Generals to Specifics or Vice Versa n Break up - Analytic or synthetic
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Aesthetics n Interface Design n Beauty n User Delight n Simplicity n Subtle Undercurrents
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Impact n Attention n Interest n Recall n Outlook - change in behavior or perspective
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Field n Content - Material, Scope n Market n User - Profile, Needs, Motivation, Reception, Psychology
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Presentation n Path - Objectives, Modules, Structure according to identified model n Standards n Review n Evaluate - Instructional, Subjective, Abstract, and Interactive Elements.
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Meaning n Interpretation n Trends - Gender, Culture and Other Issues. n Idiom- Symbolism, Representation, Language, Icons, Hermeneutics.
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome
Outcome n Goals -Large Scale, Long Term, Changes Expected. n Objectives n Market Needs and Trends n Value - of the Product, the Company and the User n Futuristic - Is this the First Version?
New Model for Instructional Design n Philosophy n System n Aesthetics n Impact n Field n Presentation n Meaning n Outcome