What’s New? English Language Arts and Mathematics Grade Level Content Expectations OEAA Conference 2005 Office of School Improvement.


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Presentation transcript:

What’s New? English Language Arts and Mathematics Grade Level Content Expectations OEAA Conference 2005 Office of School Improvement

Where are We Headed?

Standards – Broad Content Learning Statements Benchmarks – More Discrete Grade Span Learning Expectations GLCE – Grade Level Content Performance Expectations Locally-Based Curricular Alignment NEW MEAP “OLD” MEAP * LBA Classroom–Based Instructional Design * TM The Structure of Curriculum

What are Grade Level Content Expectations?  Further clarification of student expectations on grade level assessments  Rigorous academic targets  Basis for assessment items in the annual collection of student achievement data to measure skills and concepts over time  Requirement of No Child Left Behind Legislation of 2001

Remember… The Michigan Curriculum Framework Standards and Benchmarks continue to represent the full scope of the curriculum!

Purpose of Companion Documents  Connect assessment with curriculum  GLCE re-emphasize the importance of the Michigan Curriculum Framework, including the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Standards  Connects the familiar (MCF) with the new (GLCE)

Grade Specific Website DRAFT

Grade Specific Links to…  Michigan Curriculum Framework  Teaching, Learning,& Assessment Standards  Grade Level Content Expectations

Grade Specific Links to…  Content Expectations Across the Grades*  Alignment at a Glance  MCF Alignment Document

Grade Specific Links to…  Reading First  MLPP  MiCLASS  Clarification Document*  Reading & Writing Genre Matrix, K-8*  Educators’ Guide to Lexiles*  Vocabulary Lists*  Genre Definitions*  Dolch Words  Parent’s Guide  Scope Alignment*  MiClimb


Taking a Second Look  Our Purpose To make the Grade Level Content Expectations more teacher friendly by ensuring that: To make the Grade Level Content Expectations more teacher friendly by ensuring that:  There is parallel text across the grades  The intent of the expectations are clear  The content is correct  There is a proper flow of concepts and skills across the grades – no repetitions or gaps

Protocol for Development and Dissemination of Curricular Documents Document development by work group of scholarsDocument development by work group of scholars Review by small group of MDE & representative practitionersReview by small group of MDE & representative practitioners MDE internal reviewMDE internal review State Board of Education reviewState Board of Education review Web reviewWeb review Work group of scholars revises documentsWork group of scholars revises documents Draft documents sent for National ReviewDraft documents sent for National Review Edits based on National ReviewEdits based on National Review Final documents to State Board of Education for approvalFinal documents to State Board of Education for approval Final documents disseminatedFinal documents disseminated

Resources for Parents The Parent’s Guides are companion documents for Mathematics and English Language Arts Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE). The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has completed booklets for families of children in kindergarten through eighth grade. The documents are available on

Parent’s Guides  Grade level and content focused, user-friendly booklets describing the GLCE  Contain a brief letter that can be customized for each school site  Can be easily reproduced in the school  Translations coming in Spanish and Arabic

GLCE’ Impact on MEAP Test Design  GLCE represent the content students should master by the end of the grade level.  Future testing will occur in the fall.  ELA assesses previous years’ outcomes (cumulative).  Mathematics assesses the outcomes from the previous year.

Differentiating Instruction  How do we work with the GLCE to meet the needs of all students?  What are ways that Special Education and general education teachers can work together with the GLCE?  How do we meet the needs of English Language Learners?  How can we create a common vision?

Collaboration and Integration  Educators working together to meet the needs of all students  Using multiple methods to address learning styles and teach concepts  Integrating technology throughout the curriculum

What Else?  What initiatives are going on in your school or district?  What can you do to incorporate the GLCE into your curriculum and assessment practices?  What do you need to support your efforts?

Next Steps  Have frequent conversations about the GLCE. the GLCE.  Look at classroom/building/district curricula and assessment.  Look at current practices and align to GLCE.  Use Data – what are student strengths and what do they need.  CELEBRATE SUCCESSES!

Contacts For more information on the Grade Level Content Expectations or Michigan Educational Assessment Program

WEB Resources  SCoPE Curriculum  GLCE Website  OEAA Website  MSU K-12 Outreach Website  The Michigan Teacher Network

Office of School Improvement Dr. Yvonne Caamal CanulBetty Underwood DirectorAssistant Director Office of School Improvement (OSI) OSI, Curriculum and Instruction Gale Sharpe, GLCE SupportRuth Anne Hodges, Math Consultant OSI, Curriculum and InstructionOSI, Curriculum and Instruction Lynnette VanDyke, English Language Arts Consultant OSI, Curriculum and Instruction

Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability Edward Roeber Senior Executive Director OEAA Jane Faulds English Language Arts Assessment Consultant OEAA Mike Radke MEAP Testing Coordinator OEAA Kyle Ward Mathematics Assessment Consultant

Thank you for all that you do for Michigan students!