a WebQuest??? read the information and you will find out what a WebQuest is all about: – –WebQuests are based on the ideas of inquiry ("Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.“) and constructivism (we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do this, we must ask questions, explore, and assess what we know.). inquiryconstructivism –WebQuests also incorporate cooperative and collaborative learning, since students work on projects in groups. These concepts can play a role in teaching with WebQuests.
in a nutshell: Step 1: motivation Step 2: acquire and integrate new knowledge (well-chosen sources!) Step 3: enlarge this newly acquired knowledge by fulfilling tasks e.g. by drawing conclusions, by practising the newly acquired grammar, etc. Step 4: transfer (new situations) Step 5: reflect on the whole process in order to improve one’s learning
the different parts Introduction: motivation Task / Process: description Assignments / Tasks Sources: selected teaching aids Evaluation / assessment / conclusion
… also read the introduction and visit this site: WebQuests Synopsis - First initiated in 1995 by Bernie Dodge, a professor at San Diego State University, WebQuests quickly became the buzz of Web-savvy classrooms. Why? Because WebQuests are wonderful teaching strategies that prompt students to ask questions, focus on "using information rather than searching for it," and look at material critically. Plus, it's time efficient and integrates the Internet into the classroom. Participants of this workshop will learn what makes a successful WebQuest in the classroom and how to build a WebQuest for optimum learning. ndex.htmlhttp:// ndex.html
some examples: –have a look at the three WebQuests for English and compare them: Do you know sproekies? / Harry Potter and James Bond: click here –If you are interested in the other subjects, choose your favourite subjects and enjoy the ‘webkwesties’ –teaching culture: Discovering Ireland: see the English website: and look for TEACHING AIDS – 2ilso extra http://users.belgacom.net/jevalo
some more inspiration! –TalenQuests: tch=1 tch=1 –Focus on the WebQuests for English: –my favourites : PO: Christmas: PO: My Valentine: with link to excellent rhyming machine: go to ‘Bronnen’ VO (12-16): Go UK! formation objective: world view - very nice helpdesk (pp)
how can we create webquests? One of the possibilities is: Go to: and search for teacherwebhttp://google.be –first click on ‘Teachers’ –then ‘Create a Webquest’ –then: View a TeacherWebQuest starter web –you will see TeacherWebQuest Template –just follow the instructions!! –don’t forget to have a look at the standards: you will discover amazing webquests about Rich in tradition: happy holidays Shakespeare‘s Romeo and Juliet: the Capulett ball! TheCapuletBall/h6.stm TheCapuletBall/h6.stm And some webquests designed by teacher trainees LOV: Teacher Index (state: United Kingdom: either KHK or KVR) Teacher Index
how do we assess webquests? very useful ideas: /schijfvanvijf/index.html?mnndx=8&swtch=8#tophttp:// /schijfvanvijf/index.html?mnndx=8&swtch=8#top assess the language: ‘natural’ English ( no literal translations), correct spelling (accuracy!! – proofreading is a must!!) and of course no deadly mistakes!! assess lay-out: a means to motivate the users and attract pupils’ attention …
Using WebQuests in our classrooms can help build a solid foundation that prepares them for the future.