Organisation and coordination of a network on the EU coordination of social security schemes in EU/EEA/CH training and reporting on European Social Security.


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Presentation transcript:

Organisation and coordination of a network on the EU coordination of social security schemes in EU/EEA/CH training and reporting on European Social Security trESS III  trESS was established in 2005 and is financed by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)  It is implemented by Ghent University in collaboration with independent experts from 31 countries  trESS III runs from 2011 to 2014

Objectives  increase the knowledge base on the coordination regulations  build networks between people professionally involved in social security coordination all over Europe  report to the EC on the implementation of the EU Regulations  undertake legal and statistical analysis with regard to topics connected with social security coordination  provide analytical support to the European Commission in relation to the application of social security coordination legislation

Main activities  training & networking  information-sharing  reporting & analysis

Highlights trESS III  National seminars replaced by ‘specialised’ seminars  trESS now covers also the EEA countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) and Switzerland  Some new tasks added  analytical support to the EC (requests for information, contribution to studies)  mapping and analysis of statistics on social security coordination  Network extended with specific areas of expertise

Training & Networking Target groups  Social security institutions and authorities  Social partners  NGOs  Judges and lawyers  Independent experts confronted with problems of implementation Activities:  Specialised seminars  E-learning module  Contact database  Regular E-newsletters  Social media

Specialised seminars  Ca. 10 seminars per year, determined in accordance with a procedure of “internal calls for proposals”  All countries covered at least once over the course of the project  Wide variety of seminars  Awareness-raising, practically-oriented or analytical  General or focused on one particular topic/target group  National, bi-or multilateral, in cooperation with other stakeholders  Attended by experts from the Commission and trESS  Reports written by seminar reporters  Agenda and PPT presentations posted on trESS website  Participant satisfaction is monitored – Please complete the brief participant satisfaction survey distributed at the seminar

Seminar calendar 2012 Cases* Latvia-Lithuania (Riga)19 April Italy (Rome)30 May Greece (Athens)27 June Switzerland (Fribourg)28 June Estonia-Finland (Tallinn)4 September Cyprus (Nicosia)24 September Spain (Seville)27 September Slovakia (Bratislava)9 October

Networking How to join? By sending a request to join to By submitting a request via the website Current members are kindly requested to keep their details updated Austria73Hungary57Slovak Rep.41 Belgium125Ireland29Slovenia72 Bulgaria73Italy71UK130 Cyprus65Lithuania45Switzerland2 Czech Rep.72Luxembourg37Norway1 Germany53Latvia50Liechtenstein1 Denmark51Malta109Iceland1 Estonia55The Netherlands109Other12 Greece54Poland160 Spain73Portugal127 TOTAL 2175 Finland119Romania111* Status April 2012 France155Sweden42

Networking Subscriber status 4 issues per year Contents  Information on the project and its activities  Interviews with top experts in the field of social security coordination  Trends, challenges and developments in the field of coordination  Case law reviews & developments at legislative level April

Information-sharing: Open access  seminar information  e-learning  national resources  European resources  e-newsletter Restricted access  contact database  internal project matters

Website: e-learning module  General introduction into social security coordination  Glossary of 70 keywords, reflecting main concepts of social security coordination, with 190 questions & answers  Updated as necessary

Website: national resources  National case law  National bibliography  Seminar information

Website: European resources  European Reports (2008 -)  Think Tank Reports (2008 -) & Analytical Reports (2011 -)  Texts of the main Regulations (in all available languages)  Regulations database  Articles of the Regulations linked with relevant information  Latest developments Linkage between articles of 883/2004 and implementing articles of 987/2009 Linkage between articles of 883/2004 and 987/2009, and relevant decisions of the Administrative Commission Selection of historical leading cases among case law linked to 1408/71 and 574/72

NEW: social media pages  trESS on LinkedIn and Facebook  Regular news updates on EU social security coordination  Messages, comments and opinions  How to join?  Become a member of LinkedIn and/or Facebook  Join the trESS pages  A direct link to the trESS social media pages is available on the homepage of the trESS website

Reporting on implementation  Yearly reports on the implementation of the coordination regulations in 31 countries  Either a European Report (covering application of the Regulations as a whole), or  a Thematic Report, focusing on a specific topic of coordination  In 2012: Thematic Report (available December) on the coordination of benefits with activation measures  Based on contributions of national experts

Legal analysis  “Think Tank Study”: Legal research with a long-term perspective dealing with strategic questions  Conducted by a Think Tank, composed each year from a pool of analytical experts  In 2012: the coordination of unemployment benefits (available December)

Legal analysis  “Analytical study”: legal research based on fact- finding with relation to ad hoc analytical needs  Conducted by an analytical study group, composed each year from a pool of analytical experts  In 2012: impact assessment report on the coordination of long-term care benefits

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