Get Ready to Huddle! Discover Intensive Phonics (4 th - Adult) Huddle 2 nd Tuesday of each month at 2 pm MT Please Call Passcode # Presented by: Shantell Berrett
Does Discover Intensive Phonics help with reading comprehension? YES!
National Reading Panel Report Teaching students to break apart and manipulate the sounds in words (phonemic awareness) Teaching them that these sounds are represented by letters of the alphabet which can then be blended together to form words (phonics) Having them practice what they've learned by reading aloud with guidance and feedback (guided oral reading) Applying reading comprehension strategies to guide and improve reading comprehension
This type of phonics instruction consists of teaching a planned sequence of phonics elements, rather than highlighting elements as they happen to appear in a text. Here again, the evidence was so strong that the panel concluded that systematic phonics instruction is appropriate for routine classroom instruction. Synthetic Phonics Instruction
Synthetic phonics instruction consists of teaching students to explicitly convert letters into phonemes and then blend the phonemes to form words. Moreover, systematic synthetic phonics instruction was significantly more effective in improving the reading skills of students from low socioeconomic levels. Synthetic Phonics Instruction
Explicit instruction in decoding strategies + Opportunities to practice using a variety of strategies = COMPREHENSION & FLUENCY Decoding Strategies in Second Language Reading
Consistent Pattern Dr. Jean Chall, Harvard University Grade Level What About the 30%?
Three Essential Areas to Develop Reading Comprehension Vocabulary development Text comprehension instruction Teacher preparation and comprehension strategies instruction
Teaching Vocabulary Words should be taught in context Repetition and multiple exposure Software
Insert slide that shows MDP options
“When you think of vocabulary, there is a good chance that you think of long lists of words from social studies or science textbooks, spelling word lists, or even the humongous lists of terms to study for college entrance exams. Zillions of flash cards also may come to mind. No doubt you share the common childhood experience of having to "go look up the words in a dictionary, write the definition, and then write a sentence using the term" — but how much of that vocabulary do you remember now? Do you remember how you could rote copy the definition of a term as part of a homework assignment, but have no real idea what the definition meant and still get an 'A' on the assignment? --Edwin Ellis
Guidelines for selecting to-be- learned vocabulary Do…Avoid… Less is more — depth is more. Teach fewer vocabulary terms, but teach them in a manner that results in deep understandings of each term. Teaching or assigning words from textbooks just because they are highlighted in some way (italicized, bold face print, etc.). Teach terms that are central to the unit or theme of study. These are terms that are so important that if the student does not understand them, s/he likely will have difficulty understanding the remainder of the unit. Teaching or assigning words just because they appear in a list at the end of a text chapter. Teach terms that address key concepts or ideas. While a text chapter may contain vocabulary terms, there may be only 4 or 5 that address critical concepts in the chapter — sometimes only 1 or 2!). Teaching or assigning words that will have little utility once the student has passed the test. Teach terms that will be used repeatedly throughout the semester. These are foundational concepts upon which a great deal of information will be built on over a long-term basis. Assigning words the teacher cannot define. Assigning large quantities of words. Assigning words that students will rarely encounter again.
Comprehension Strategies Connecting Questioning Visualizing Inferring Summarizing
Comprehension Resources
What should comprehension instruction be instruction of? Teach decoding skills Encourage the development of sight words Teach students to use semantic context cues to evaluate whether decodings are accurate Teach vocabulary meanings Encourage extensive reading Teach self-regulated use of comprehension strategies
Summary Phonemic awareness must be addressed and decoding strategies taught through systematic, synthetic, sequential phonics that is multi-sensory. Vocabulary should be taught in context with several opportunities offered to work with and elaborate the words connecting background knowledge for help with retention. Effective comprehension strategies such as connections, questions, visualizing and summarizing must be taught as well.
Get Ready for the next Discover Intensive Phonics Huddle! “Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself and Spelling” Tuesday, November 14 th at 2:00pm MT