WELCOME! Make sure and sign in at the front table. Please find the file folder with your name. These are the beginning of the year forms that must be signed and returned. Thank you! Mrs. Moreira 5 th Grade
Mrs. Moreira I have taught at BPA since our opening in I graduated from Florida State University with a B.A. in Spanish. I taught Spanish at FSU and elementary schools in Tallahassee, FL
Communication Website Planners– Parents are to sign planners nightly verifying that the student has completed his or her homework and they are aware of any upcoming events. Parent Portal– Grades will be available online and reminders are automatically sent as grades are added Go to to register is the best way to reach me
Class Schedule After the 1 st day, students arriving before 7:40 should go to the Gym where I will pick them up. 7:40-8:00 Announcements, Morning Routine 8:00-8:30 Shared Reading/Social Studies/Writing 8:30-9:15 Special Area 9:15-10:40Literacy Stations 10:40-10:54Break 10:54-11:24Lunch 11:30-12:45Math/Science 1 12:45-2:00Math/Science 2 2:00Dismissal
Handbook Handbooks are being sent home today and are available on my website. Contains important information regarding rules, policies, and grading. Please sign and return by Friday, August 26 th. The handbook will stay in the O.C.E.A.N binder.
Curriculum & Assessment Reading: Harcourt’s Storytown, FCAT supplemental materials, novel studies -- for online textbook -- Spelling and Vocabulary tests every Friday -- Comprehension test every other Friday -- Social Studies & Writing will be integrated with the 90 minute Reading Block -- Grades are weighted as follows: Comprehension (60%), Vocabulary (20%), Spelling (10%), and Story Quizzes (10%)
Curriculum & Assessment Science: Harcourt Science Fusion, supplemental FCAT prep materials, Lab Demonstrations and Activities -- for online textbook -- Whole group lessons followed with cooperative learning stations that involve small group instruction, science content reading and comprehension practice, technology, vocabulary exercises, and hands- on activities. -- Assessments will include lesson quizzes and unit benchmark assessments -- Benchmark Assessments will count for 70% of grade and lab participation/class practice/quizzes for 30% of grade
Curriculum & Assessment Math: Harcourt Math Curriculum and FCAT prep materials -- Textbook is available at -- Instruction will consist of both direct instruction, class practice, small group instruction, and math stations. -- Assessments will include short quizzes, chapter tests, and unit tests. Grades are weighted with tests at 75% and quizzes at 25%. Please visit Mrs. Fitzgerald before leaving today.
Homework Reading homework will assigned on Mondays and due on Fridays. Math, Science, or any other project homework will be assigned as needed– always check planners for assignments. The most important homework is to READ for minutes nightly. Parents need to sign planners nightly to verify that homework is complete and they are aware of any upcoming events.
O.C.E.A.N. Binder Organized Communication Every Achiever Needs! Binder will go home NIGHTLY Parents should check front pocket for assessments that must be signed and returned Please empty back pocket nightly that will have school newsletters and important papers Each student needs: a 1 ½ “ 3 ring binder with clear plastic sleeves and pockets 3 ring pencil pouch
Responsibility Students are responsible for requesting retakes within three days of receiving graded assessments. Students should remind parents to check their binders each night for important papers. Students must remember to ask their parents to sign their planners every night.
Upcoming Events First Day of School– Monday, August 22 nd Labor Day– No School on September 6 th Open House– September 15 th 5:30-6:30 pm
Thanks for coming! See you Monday!