Online Reporting The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Reporting Session
DATA REPORTS (Approved cases only ) 1.Data Accreditation 2.Performance Review Indicators 3.BOAST4 4.Best Practice Tariff (MTC only) 5.Unmatched transfers report HOSPITAL ACTIVITY screen ADMIN REPORT (Any case status) 1.Submission Summary
Data Reports To produce a Data report: Log into Reports Create Report Choose parameters Generate Report View Generated Report
Accreditation Report Breakdown of fields used in Data Accreditation %: GCS Arrival time Transfer details Operation CT Doctors in ED Injuries: % of Not Further specified codes (NFS) Pre Existing Medical Conditions Transfer detail Pupils: AIS3+ Head injuries Missing data is highlighted in Red
Interpreting the Accreditation report! Shows all fields contributing to Accreditation % Accreditation is shown as: E=expected value and S=score for each field Score is a fraction of expected value & should be interpreted as a percentage, e.g. 0.5 = 50%. Score of 1.00 represents 100% (complete data) for that field (shown in green) Score of 0.00 represents no expected data for that field (e.g. If Patient did not have a CT scan). Score of <100% will be highlighted in red. THESE ARE THE FIELDS TO REVIEW.
Performance Review Indicators Submission ID NHS number Age Gender Injury Mechanism ISS & ISS band Intubation GCS Probability of Survival Outcome Incident date/time Arrival date/time Discharge date LOS ICU LOS Transfer from/to Mode of arrival ED visit Trauma Team Senior Dr in ED Date/Time First Dr in ED Date/Time No of Operations Date/time 1st Operation Time to 1 st Operation Date/Time 1 st CT Time to 1 st CT * Incident & Home postcodes Triage Tool Pre Alert PRF * Wards visited (first 3) NICE criteria Shocked Patient Rehab Prescription GOS Case for Review * Most severely injured body region Maximum AIS All Injuries Summary of Approved cases for any specified time period. Highlights Key Performance Measures that underpin TARN reports: * New
Analysing your own data using PRI Report Instructions in Manual Create a PRI report List specific patients e.g. AIS3+ Head injuries CT within 1 hour ISS 16 – 75 who saw a Consultant PS 75% or higher who died Produce a breakdown
BOAST 4 Severe Open tibia fractures Further classified as Gustilo grade IIIB or IIIC (or ungraded) Standard: Stabilisation within 24 hrs & soft tissue cover within 72 hrs of injury. Report shows compliance with standard
Best Practice Tariff Reports Available to Major Trauma Centres only BPT14-16 Showing ALL approved submissions Approved by TARN with an ISS>8 Users can cross check fields that may affect payment RED highlights information currently resulting in no BPT payment. YELLOW alerts a user to information that is affecting BPT payment level. Awaiting Post mortem Lists submissions where Post mortem is still outstanding.
Unmatched Transfers All unmatched transfers Dispatched or Approved Transfer in or out When matching submission entered: notification disappears
Activity screen Activity Summary for each Hospital Updates instantly, includes: Submission Summary ISS Breakdown MOI breakdown
Submission Summary Report (Excel) Exports submissions into Excel with patient names & identifiers. Used to monitor Submissions in any status: Created Dispatched Approved Rejected Returned