4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE Thursday Parallel sessions 11:30Lunch 12:30Opening Opening Session Chair Ilkka Vohlonen 14:20Coffee 14:45 Quality of care and DRG funding Chair Jugna Shah Future for DRG Chair Leena Kiviluoto 16:15 16:30 Productivity Session Chair Mona Heurgren 17:15End of day 18:15 Transportation to Hotel Kalastajatorppa from Market square 19:30DinnerDinner at restaurant Kalastajatorppa Friday :00 Future demands for DRG Chair Martti Virtanen 10:30Coffee 10:45 Productivity of care Chair Jorma Laurahanta Cost Calculation Chair Anu Nemlander 12:15Lunch 13:15 … Productivity of care… Productivity of care …Cost Calculation…Cost Calculation 13:45Break 13:55 Future demands for DRG 14:55PanelFuture demands of NordDRG cooperation Chair Jugna Shah 15:55 Ending session Chair Martti Virtanen 16:15End of progamme
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE O PENING SESSION - T HURSDAY C HAIR I LKKA V OHLONEN 12:30 Opening of the 4th Nordic Casemix ConferenceOpening of the 4th Nordic Casemix Conference Martti Virtanen, CEO, Nordic Casemix Centre 12:40Using hospital data to measure quality of care and linking it to hospital DRG payments Jugna Shah, USA 13:35Quality of primary data in relation to DRG Jens Lind Knudsen, Denmark
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE Q UALITY OF CARE AND DRG FUNDING C HAIR J UGNA S HAH 14:45Incentive of DRG's?Incentive of DRG's? Martti Virtanen, Finland 15:15How do DRG-funding affect quality – seen from the patient’s perspectiveHow do DRG-funding affect quality – seen from the patient’s perspective Anni Ankjær-Jensen, Denmark 15:45Guarantee of care - What is acceptable readmission Ilkka Vohlonen, Finland
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE D EVELOPMENT OF DRG C HAIR L EENA K IVILUOTO 14:45The Characteristics of DRG Outliers at Landspitali University Hospital in ReykjavikThe Characteristics of DRG Outliers at Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik Arnar Bergthorsson and Kristlaug H Jonasdottir, Iceland 15:15The future of DRG in psychiatry in DenmarkThe future of DRG in psychiatry in Denmark Søren Bredkjær, Denmark
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE P RODUCTIVITY AND DRG C HAIR M ONA H EURGREN 16:30 NordDRG Full version based productivity reporting Jorma Lauharanta, Finland
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE F UTURE DEMANDS FOR DRG C HAIR M ARTTI V IRTANEN 9:00Future demands of DRG and EuroDRG Reinhard Busse, Germany 9:45Development of handling comorbidity and complications in NordDRG logic Mona Heurgren, Sweden 10:30Break for parallel sessions 13:55Productivity benchmarking between Nordic countries Jon Magnussen, Norway
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE P RODUCTIVITY OF CARE C HAIR J ORMA L AURAHANTA 10:45Efficiency in health care - heart care Rosita Claesson Wigand, Sweden 10:15Automatized Audit for Evaluation of Hospital Data Quality Olafr Steinum and Seppo Ranta, Sweden and Finland 11:45From retrospective to prospective usage of CaseMix data Tapio Pitkäranta, Finland 12:15Lunch 13:15DRG implementation in Estonian health care model – hospital perspective Teele Orgse, Estonia
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE C OST C ALCULATION C HAIR A NU N EMLANDER 10:45Public and private care comparabilityPublic and private care comparability Geir Brandborg, Norway 11:15DRG registration - a corner stone for improved patient care and safety (Emergency and intensive care)DRG registration - a corner stone for improved patient care and safety (Emergency and intensive care) Jakob Steen Andersen, Denmark 11:45DRG as a quality indicatorDRG as a quality indicator Lisbeth Serdén, Sweden 12:15Lunch 13:15E-learning program for medical coding Leena Kiviluoto, Norway
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE F UTURE DEMANDS OF N ORD DRG COOPERATION P ANEL DISCUSSION C HAIR J UGNA S HAH WHY, WHAT, WHEN? HOW? Estonia - Triin Habicht Denmark - Poul Erik Hansen Finland - Mikko Rotonen Iceland - Helga Bjarnadottir Norway - Leena Kiviluoto Sweden – Ralph Dahlgren MAIN THEMES Are DRGs interesting for clinical purposes, eg for professionals? Which are the crucial development issues for DRGs to remain as a common used tool in hospitals? What are the responsibility of owners of classifications and DRG-systems in relation to the users? For example in cases of fraud and abuse of the coding for reimbursement purposes? DRG-systems functionality in relation to the boarders in health care, ex outpatients, primary care, day-care and inpatient care. Is it correct to take this in to account or should DRGs always follow the patient?
4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE 4 TH N ORDIC C ASEMIX C ONFERENCE E NDING S ESSION C HAIR M ARTTI V IRTANEN Thank you for participating in 4th Nordic Casemix Conference Wellcome to 26th PCSI Conference 15 – 18 September 2010, Munich, Germany 26th PCSI Conference 15 – 18 September 2010, Munich, Germany 5th Nordic Casemix Conference May 2012, Oslo, Norway