English Reformation
- series of events in 16th-century in England - associated with the process of the European Protestant reformation - religious and political movement
English Reformation Many factors contributed to the process: - decline of feudalism - rise of nationalism - rise of common law - invention of the printing press - transmission of new knowledge
English Reformation - more a political affair than a theological dispute - before the break with Rome – code of canon law - the split from Rome made the English monarch the Supreme Governor - Church of England = established church of the nation
Role of Henry VIII - ascended the Englisch throne in 1509 (17 years) - made a dynastic marriage with Catherine of Aragon - observant Catholic - defended the Catholic Church from Martin Luther´s accusations of heresy - book The defence of the Seven Sacraments - „Defender of the Faith“
Role of Henry VIII meeting Anne Boleyn In 1520s – Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife and annulled his marriage The Pope refused Henry VIII made himself the leader of the Church
Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl of Essex Advisor of Henry VIII Lawyer and a Member of Parliament Great reformist Protestant ideas to justify Henry´s actions
Results of the English Reformation - the English clergy was cut off from Rome - Henry VIII – Supreme Head of the Church and clergy of England Parliament passed an act to close down the monasteries (dissolution of the Monasteries)
English Reformation 1533 marriage – Anne Boleyn birth of daughter, Princess Elizabeth Exkommunicating from the Roman Catholic Church Other 4 wives Further transformation of the Church to Protestantism – reign of Henry´s son, King Edward VI
The Anglican Church - in England, Wales, Scotland - head = Supreme Governor (Defensor Fidei) - 2 archbishops (archbishop from Canterbury = primate