By: Zach Tharpe
He was born in Dole France on December 27, 1822 He discovers Molecular Chirality in 1848 He marries Marie Laurent on May 29, 1849 In 1854, He is named Dean of Faculty of Science at the University of Lille In 1861, He discovers Anaerobiosis
Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard complete the First Pasteurization Test on April 20, 1862 He disproves the Doctrine of Spontaneous Generation in 1876 He inoculates chickens against cholera in 1878 On June 2, 1881, He demonstrates Anthrax Vaccine
Louis Pasteur uses first successful rabies vaccine on July 6, 1885 Pasteur Institute is found on June 4, 1887 He dies on September 28, 1995
His inventions were pasteurization and vaccines. His pasteurization is used in beer and milk Rabies is one of the vaccines that he made. If it wasn’t for him, we won’t have any vaccines or pasteurization products
Louis Pasteur germ theory was about to show how specific microorganisms can bring about important diseases such as, cholera, diphtheria, scarlet fever, childbirth fever, syphilis, and smallpox