Climate and energy actions at University of Copenhagen


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Presentation transcript:

Climate and energy actions at University of Copenhagen Green Campus Climate and energy actions at University of Copenhagen Tomas Refslund Poulsen, Teamleader Green Campus CERN, 24-10-13

Four campuses in Central Copenhagen – 1.000.000 m2 Green Campus Four campuses in Central Copenhagen – 1.000.000 m2 City Campus North Campus Faculty of Law Faculty of Science Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Theology Central Administration Faculty of Science Faculty of Health Sciences South Campus Frederiksberg Campus 8 fakulteter Cirka 37.000 studerende Cirka 7.500 ansatte, heraf 5.000 forskere Energiforbrug 160 mio. kr. årligt City Campus: Teologiske Fakultet, Juridiske Fakultet, Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Dele af Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet samt uni’s fællesadministration. Frederiksberg Campus: Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet. Nørre Campus: Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Dele af Naturvidenskab Farmaceutiske Fakultet. Søndre Campus: Det Humanistiske Fakultet - På sigt også Jura og Teologi Faculty of Science Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Humanities 1 million m2 buildings, >38,000 students, 8,000 employees, including 5,000 scientists

Study more: Green Campus Study more:

Green Campus - ressourceefficiency and sustainability Sustainable organization, culture and behavior Sustainable infrastructure, buildings and campus areas Education and research: Campus as a living lab and classroom Kernen i KUs Grøn Campus 2.0 indsats skal være at den realiserer en markant og helhedsorienteret reduktion af KUs miljømæssige fodaftryk. Indsats og tilgang skal være effektiv og spille sammen andre væsentlige gevinster for KU: økonomiske besparelser, effektivisering, styrket brug af nye teknologier, forbedring af studieforhold, styrkelse af undervisning og ansatte og studerendes ejerskab til KU. Det skal gøre KU nemmere, effektivere og smartere og bidrage til styrket konkurrencedygtighed. Et ressourceeffektivt og bæredygtigt KU kræver en samlet og sammenhængende indsats. De væsentlige omdrejningspunkter er: KU skal sikre bæredygtige fysiske rammer, i form af bygninger, faciliteter, teknik og infrastruktur. Det handler bl.a. om fleksible og energieffektive laboratorier, bæredygtige bygninger, effektiv udnyttelse af faciliteter/arealer og klimatilpassede grønne campusområder, KU skal være omdrejningspunkt for udvikling og demonstration af de bud på bæredygtighed som KU selv forsker og underviser i. KU skal være et levende laboratorium og klasseværelse for udviklingen af morgendagens bæredygtighedsløsninger og -forståelser. KU skal styrke sin organisering omkring bæredygtighed i drift og administration, og etablere en bæredygtighedskultur. Ansatte og studerende skal møde og praktisere bæredygtighed på en relevant og meningsfuld måde i hverdagen. KU skal være et internationalt fyrtårn blandt bæredygtige universiteter. KU skal samarbejde med andre ambitiøse universiteter i bl.a. IARU, bruge de bedste erfaringer og via deling af viden og erfaringer bidrage til at bæredygtighed styrkes på verdens universiteter.

Becoming one of the greenest campuses in Europe Green Campus Becoming one of the greenest campuses in Europe Focus on reduction in energy consumption and –expenses The most important direct environmental impact Demonstrating an green and responsible university If not universities – who should then? Saving money for core activities: research and education

Key energy figures for UCPH Green Campus Key energy figures for UCPH Annual energy consumption: 176 GWh Annual energy expenses: € 25 million

Top management focus and commitment Green Campus Key issues Top management focus and commitment Short term ambitious reduction targets Keep focus on where reductions are achieved Considerable targeted investments needed - but pay-back time is good

Key 2013 Goals for Green Campus at the University of Copenhagen ● Energy consumption must be reduced to a level that is 20% below that of 2006, measured as energy consumption per man year for staff and students (FE*) ● CO2 emissions from energy consumption must be reduced to a level that is 20% below that of 2006, measured as CO2 emission per man year for staff and students (FE*) Goals were approved by the university’s board in October 2008 * FE = Fulltime Equivalent

CO2-emissions reduced by 24,1 % per FE in 2012 Green Campus Ton CO2 CO2-emissions reduced by 24,1 % per FE in 2012 3,00 CO2-reduction 2006 – 2012: 2,50 - 28,3 % per FE incl. purchase of wind power 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 KU har i 2012 opnået en reduktion på 24,1 % i CO2-emissioner pr. årsværk og dermed er målsætningen om 20 % reduktion allerede nået. I 2012 har KU som en del af en samarbejdsaftale med DONG købt strømmen fra en af de nye vindmøller ved Avedøre Holme. Medregnet dette køb af CO2-neutral strøm har KU reduceret CO2-emissionerne pr. årsværk med 28,3 %. Det flotte resultat på CO2-reduktion skyldes både KUs egen energieffektiviseringsindsats og at strøm og fjernvarme i Danmark i stadig stigende grad produceres med vedvarende energikilder. Transport udgør en stadigt større del af KUs CO2-emissioner (knap 26% mod 14% i 2006), og tæt på hele bidraget kommer fra internationale flyrejser (93%). 0,00 2006 - baseline 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Ton CO2 pr. årsværk Ton CO2 pr. årsværk uden graddagekorrektion Målsætning 20 pct. reduktion ultimo 2013

Internal Climate and Energy Actions – responsibilities Green Campus Internal Climate and Energy Actions – responsibilities ● Campus Steering Committee: Project owner. Rector is head and includes prorector, university director, all 6 deans. ● Green Campus (3 staff + 3 students), part of Campus Service Overall strategy, planning and policies Annual green accounts, controlling etc. Communication – internal and eksternal Development and coordination of key transversal initiatives e.g. sustainable behavior, sustainable buildings, green purchasing ● Faculties: Energy management and operations Annual energy report, energy action plan and energyfriendly behavior Pays their own energy bill ● Other key units: The building section uses energy conscious design of building projects IT Department on green IT (with Green Campus) Purchasing Department works with green purchasing (with Green Campus)

Laboratories are heavy energy consumers Green Campus Laboratories are heavy energy consumers 83 % of total energy consumption at UCPH is used at laboratory faculties 4-8 times higher energy consumption per m2 or per employee Canteen Laboratories Offices and other common area Area Electricity Heat

Investments and savings Green Campus Investments and savings Investments, 2008-2014: € 18 mill. Savings: annually approx. € 5,4 mill. Technical Investments: 54 % ventilation 19% heating systems and insulation 13 % Building envelope 11 % Light 2 % Pumps

Great savings 50.000 MWh saved ~ 5,4 mill €/year Green Campus Great savings 50.000 MWh saved ~ 5,4 mill €/year I perioden 2008 til 2014 investeres der som led i Grøn Campus indsatsen i alt 130 mio. Kr. Investeringerne fordeler sig med: Teknik: ca. 123 mio. kr. Adfærd: ca. 2,5 mio. kr. Organisation, tværgående initiativer og pilotprojekter: ca. 4,5 mio. kr. I 2014 udgør de samlede estimerede besparelser af initiativerne (i forhold til “business as usual”): ca. 40 mio. kr/året. De estimerede besparelser fordeler sig med: Teknik: 28 mio. kr/året Adfærd: 5 mio. kr/året Energistyring: 7 mio. kr. kr/året Samlet gennemsnitlig tilbagebetalingstid: ~5 år

Green Campus Green Action Green Action is the University of Copenhagen's campaign for energy-efficient behavior.

Why adressing behavior? Green Campus Why adressing behavior? We have a responsibility At least 5 % of total energy consumption can be saved just by energy-efficient habits -> more money for the University’s research and education The best pay-back time on any energy saving activity Platform for communicating internally on sustainability Building a platform of awareness among staff -> support of technical energy saving initiatives/policies on operations Total annual estimated savings at UCPH > € 1 mill. annually

Green Action – the UCPH approach Green Campus Green Action – the UCPH approach Engage staff Focus on the important actions - time and attention is limited Communication and campaign materials Maintain focus

Culture and behavior is formed and transformed among colleagues Green Campus Engage staff Culture and behavior is formed and transformed among colleagues Recruitment of approx. 250 voluntary green ambassadors among staff, taking local actions Task: to engage colleagues and address recommended actions limited required actions and expectations offered communication and campaign materials

Focus on the important actions - time and attention is limited Green Campus Focus on the important actions - time and attention is limited Simple advice on most important issues to be targeted: What can you do individually What can you do together The little green guide for the laboratorie

Green Campus Most important typical energy consumers in the bio/chemistry laboratory Fume hoods/LAF benches/point suction Worst case: an open fume hood: up to 40.000 DKK/year - Always close down when not in use. - Turn of if possible. Freezers - particularly ULT-freezers (-80/-150 °C) -150 °C: up to 60.000 DKK/year - 80 °C: up to 20.000 DKK/year Go through your freezers and tidy up. Share space and reduce numbers Incubators, ovens, heating blocks and stages Ovens: 6 – 12.000 DKK/annually Remember to switch off assess and adjust the temperature. Lights Counts for approx 40% of electricity use in offices - Switch off desk lights and overhead lights when not necessary

Not just targeting the ”already saved”: Green Campus Not just targeting the ”already saved”: Global responsibility Saving money AND make it FUN

Communication and campaign materials for labs Green Campus Communication and campaign materials for labs Materials for Green ambassadors: Little Green Guides Fume hood stickers Timers Energy monitors Sweets “The angry penguin” Stickers addressing equipment that could be turned of Posters Central communication Banners Competitions Homepage Students energy advisors “light”

Time Maintain focus Campaign Campaign Campaign Green Campus Level of energy-efficient behaviour Campaign Campaign Campaign Time

District cooling in North Campus Green Campus District cooling in North Campus Niels Bohr Building – Faculty of Science, 45,000 m2 Maersk Building – Faculty of Health, 40,000 m2 The estimated demand for cooling on North Campus is 11-12 MW. This includes planned buildings.


Thank you! Green Lighthouse: Green Campus Green Lighthouse: Denmarks first CO2-neutral public building Thank you!