Voc, Vert, Verse to turn to change
avert (verb) to turn away or aside (as the eyes) in avoidance Chelsea averted her eyes from her mom
divert (verb) to turn from one course to another The race car had to divert from the dirt road to the paved road.
invert (verb) to reverse in position, order, relationship Annie had to invert her mirror to see under the cabinet.
introvert (verb) to turn inward or in upon itself Julie had to introvert the wrapping paper when wrapping a present.
convertible (adj) convertible (adj) Capable of being turned into something else The convertible sports car turned into a roofless car.
reverse (adj) to turn opposite or contrary to a previous or normal condition The artist reversed the direction of the line
Controversy (noun) a discussion marked especially by the expression of opposing views The meeting had a lot of controversy.
versatile (adj) Embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills Turning with ease from one thing to another The hammer is the most versatile tool.