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© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED General Analysis Information mThe data for this analysis includes analytical results released through February 8, mThe analysis indicates the presence of outliers and suspicious results though no cause for departure from expectation could be determined. Analyses were performed in iterations of successively smaller subsets due to the exclusion of the outliers and suspicious results. mThe “fresh” data, labeled 0 miles for each vehicle/oil combination is not included in this analysis. mThe Low Impact oil was run in a different vehicle (Buick-3) than the other FTP matrix oils and therefore is confounded with Vehicle. The Low Impact oil is included in an analysis in which vehicles of the same make are grouped into one Vehicle Make term. mThe Sample miles (2000 versus 6500) are utilized as a categorical variable in lieu of a continuous variable because the exact miles at the oil change are not published in all cases.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED * Denotes second run of same oil
5 * Denotes second run of same oil
7 Analysis of All 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention mRegression model: qTransformed % Phosphorus Retention (PR) to Log(100 – PR) qn = 69 qR 2 = 61% qRMSE = 0.30 qFactors include Vehicle, Oil, Odometer, and Sample. mAnalysis qOdometer mileage is statistically significant and indicates that PR diminishingly increases with increasing odometer miles (within the range of the data). The estimated coefficient corresponds to the delta from 100 of PR decreasing by 14% per 10,000 miles (e.g., if the PR is 90% at 20,000, under the same conditions, the PR would be 91.4% at 30,000 miles). qEstimated average decrease in PR from 2000 to 6500 miles is 5.5. qLeast Square Means are plotted on following slide. (Least Square Mean is mean of factor of interest adjusted for other factors modeled.) qThe Oil term is not statistically significant. qAbsolute values of Saab residuals are high – Saab Phosphorus Retention for Oils B and D are low (upper 70’s) while that for Oils A and C are comparable to that for other vehicles. qLeast Square Means of Pontiac-1 and -2 differ considerably.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of All 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention (Continued)
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Excluding Saab Results mThere are two Saab results which are outliers. The analysis with the data set of the two Saab outliers excluded is provided in the additional material section for those interested. The remaining Saab residuals are at the extremes of the distribution. mDue to the apparent non-random nature of the residuals of the remaining Saab results, all Saab data is omitted from the remainder of the analyses, however, no cause was found for the results to be suspect. mRegression model: qTransformed Phosphorus Retention to Log(100 – Phosphorus Retention). qn = 61 qR 2 = 74% qRMSE = 0.21 qFactors include Vehicle, Oil, Odometer, and Sample. mAnalysis qOdometer mileage is significant with Phosphorus Retention increasing with odometer mileage. qEstimated average decrease in % Phosphorus Retention from 2000 to 6500 miles is 4.8. qThe Oil term is statistically significant after the exclusion of the Saab results. qThe Least Square Mean PR of Pontiac-1 and -2 differs by 5.1.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Excluding Saab Results (Continued)
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Omitting Saab and First Set of Pontiac-1 Oil A Results mPrevious analyses indicate that there is a larger than expected difference between Least Square Means for PR of Pontiac-1 and -2. The first run of Oil A in Pontiac-1 resulted in substantially lower results than the second run and therefore is excluded (in addition to the Saab results). mRegression model: qTransformed Phosphorus Retention to Log(100 – Phosphorus Retention). qn = 59 qR 2 = 76% qRMSE = 0.19 qFactors include Vehicle, Oil, Odometer, and Sample. mAnalysis: qOdometer mileage is no longer statistically significant. qEstimated average decrease in % Phosphorus Retention from 2000 to 6500 miles is 4.4. qOil is statistically significant. mIn a subsequent analysis, the first run of the Pontiac-1 Oil C results are also excluded (provided in the Additional Materials section). The results are similar to those of this analysis.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Omitting Saab and First Set of Pontiac-1 Oil A Results (Continued)
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Omitting Saab and First Set of Pontiac-1 Oils A and C Results (Low Impact Oil Included) mThe Impact Oil is run in Buick-3, therefore, if there is a difference within Makes, the effects of Impact Oil and Buick-3 are confounded. For this analysis, we assume that vehicles within the same vehicle Make are the same. mRegression model: qTransformed Phosphorus Retention to Log(100 – Phosphorus Retention). qn = 59 qR 2 = 79% qRMSE = 0.20 qFactors include Vehicle, Oil, Odometer, and Sample. mAnalysis qMake, Oil and Sample are statistically significant. qEstimated average decrease in % Phosphorus Retention from 2000 to 6500 miles is 4.2. qOil Least Square Means are similar to those resulting from previous data subset.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Omitting Saab and First Set of Pontiac-1 Oils A and C Results (Impact Oil Included)
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Summary Summary based on GM FTP data: mSome Saab results are outliers. mResults of Vehicles and Suppliers (Supplier 1, Supplier 2 and JAMA) are partially confounded due to limited results of crossover of chemistries within vehicles. This could impact estimates of Oil impact. m% Phosphorus Retention may increase with Odometer mileage though this relation is heavily influenced by the first runs of Oils A and C in Pontiac-1. mThe % Phosphorus Retention reduction between the 2000 and 6500 mile samples is approximately 5%. mAfter exclusion of the Saab results there is discrimination among select oils.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Additional Material
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Excluding 2 Saab Outliers mSaab Oil A results in the prior analysis set were outliers. They are excluded in this analysis. Remaining Saab data are in extremes of the residual distribution. mRegression model: qTransformed % Phosphorus Retention (PR) to Log(100 – PR) qn = 67 qR 2 = 73% qRMSE = 0.25 qFactors include Vehicle, Oil, Odometer, and Sample.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Excluding 2 Saab Outliers (Continued)
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Excluding Saab and First Set of Pontiac-1 Oils A and C Results mIn this analysis the first set of Pontiac-1 Oils A and C results are excluded in addition to the Saab results. mRegression model: qTransformed Phosphorus Retention to Log(100 – Phosphorus Retention). qn = 57 qR 2 = 76% qRMSE = 0.20 qFactors include Vehicle, Oil, Odometer, and Sample. mAnalysis qOdometer mileage is somewhat higher than in previous data subset. qEstimated average decrease in % Phosphorus Retention from 2000 to 6500 miles is 4.4. qOil Least Square Means are similar to those resulting from previous data subset.
© Copyright INFINEUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Analysis of 2K and 6.5K Mi Phosphorus Retention Omitting Saab and First Set of Pontiac-1 Oils A and C Results (Continued)