Handbook References Chapter 4: Reporting – Travel Report 2
Travel Policy All travel policies consistent with UF Policies Website is in the handbook 3
Travel Policy Time Worked begins upon arrival at first worksite Time Worked ends upon leaving last work site Time Worked does not include travel to first work site or travel from last work site 4
Travel Policy Mileage between work sites will be reimbursed at state rate Mileage to first work site and from last work site will not be reimbursed Supervisors determine first work location 5
Travel Policy If travel begins or ends more that 1 hour outside of regular work hours, point of origin may be traveler’s residence, provided mileage claimed does not exceed miles driven See handbook for examples “Going by the office” means going inside and conducting official business 6
Travel Policy Travel is restricted within county unless prior approval granted Trainings or conferences are unallowable unless listed in State Plan When travel unallowable, so is salary May not transport participants 7
Completing Travel Reimbursement Request Available on internal website Three tabs within one Excel Document – Location Reference Sheet – Vicinity/Map Mileage Log – Voucher for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses 8
Location Reference Sheet Listing of all sites visited Include address of site Includes home address and Extension address One list for entire year, whether site is used a particular month or not 9
Vicinity/Map Mileage Log Detailed instructions in Policy Manual. Instead of SSN, enter a 0 followed by UFID Each travel segment for each day requires a separate line – Point of origin – Point of destination Use Reference Sheet numbers and names 10
Voucher for Reimbursement Read detailed instructions in Policy Manual Most info from Mileage Log should copy into this form Make sure total miles and incidentals are same on both forms 11
Form Submission Print all three forms Both employee and supervisor must sign and date Scan and to with subject: Travel Make sure you include Activity Plan & Report or mileage will not be processed 12
Approval for Signature Page Office Assistant enters travel and s traveler the UF Expense Report (ER) page. Traveler reviews for accuracy and forwards to Supervisor with statement: – Approved. Please forward to with the word Approved in the body. My travel will not be submitted for payment until this is 13
Approval for Signature Page Supervisor FORWARDS to Office Assistant with word Approved. Office Assistant submits travel for payment. 14
Common Mistakes Signing early Continuous mileage Overlapping mileage Consistency between forms Record copy 15
Comments/Suggestions on this Presentation? Do you have feedback that you would like to with the state team? Please share your comments at the following SurveyMonkey: Thank you!! 16