Active citizens combating youth unemployment „Jobnet” International Conference 13-14th November, 2013 Eger Partners
Justification, idea Partners
The main goal is to highlight and promote innovative bottom-up solutions Europe-wide aimed at combating youth unemployment. Partners
The main objective is to build a transfrontier network of CSOs to identify, share, discuss and encourage initiatives successfully tackling youth unemployment in different European countries which can be deployed in other EU states as well. Partners
The project involves unemployed youth as actives citizens following the principle: “Nothing about us, without us”. Partners
Involved countries: Czech Rep., Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Latvia, + Poland Timeline: 1 st October, 2012 – 28th February, 2014 Partners
7. Contributing to the solution 6. Disseminating results and outputs, promoting best practices 5. Finalizing findings and recommendation, evaluation 4. Generating debate 3.Conducting research 2. Elaboration of the research plan and kick off meeting 1. Recruitment of youngsters
Comparative audiovisual international research presentation of youth unemployment in the involved countries (data/literature based), testimonials and opinions on reasons of youth unemployment (video/voice interviews), possible solutions and best practices of public, non-profit and for profit sectors. Partners Expected outcome: an outstanding easily understandable and comprehensible ‘youth languaged’ research is designed and conducted by the engaged youth teams
International conference with participants from 17 EU countries Expected outcome: - Presentation and discussion of the results of the research and best practices; -relevant professionals, stakeholders discuss unemployment issues and present scientific researches to the international audience; - -involved young jobseekers are helped to understand labour market, economic and job crisis, to get acquainted with job seeking and job growth stimulating methods Partners
February, 2014 Dissemination of project outputs, follow up activities As a result of the project, we publish the outcomes of the research on DVD, and a publication will be produced presenting the best practices of tackling youth unemployment. The publication will be sent to decision/policy makers of the project countries and the European Union (European Commission and European Parliament) as a recommendation based on the elaborated dissemination strategy. Partners
Thank you for your attention and enjoy the rest of the day! Boglárka Bata Partners