Historic Preservation 305 Mi casa, su casa
What should the American Building class accomplish? This class is an intensive look at architectural fabric to help you build a knowledge base to understand how and why buildings stand up. We will spend time talking about the evolution of materials
How does the building process change? Part of your developing expertise in the historic fabric is the recognition of the means of fabrication of building fabric
Assignments? Important dates: Out ‑ of ‑ Class Assignment #1 is due. 17 February (Monday) Out ‑ of ‑ Class Assignment #2 is due. 11 April (Friday) Out ‑ of ‑ Class Assignment #3 is due. 21 April (Monday) Laboratory classes Foundations 18 th -19 th Century Braced Framing Truss frame roofing The Georgian House Gothic and Romanesque religious forms Moldings Concrete
Tests Important dates: Test 1: February 24 th Monday Final : Section 1, April 28 th Monday, noon Types of questions: Identification-- Fill-in-the-blank --Essay (interpretation) What is tested: Basic terms, concepts from class; lab materials, required readings
Readings Allen, Edward. How Buildings Work: The Natural Order of Architecture. New York: Oxford University Press, Gabrielle M. Lanier and Bernard L. Herman. Everyday Architecture of the Mid- Atlantic: Looking at Buildings and Landscapes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Carl R. Lounsbury, Vanessa Elizabeth Patrick, eds. An Illustrated Glossary of Early Southern Architecture and Landscape. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, And then.... We have a blog site. Please go to this site and become a member/contributor. All readings marked “Reserve” are posted on this blogsite. Additional resources for projects are present there.
Come See Me Office location: Room 133 Scheduled Office hours: M W F 2pm-2:50pm TR 9am-9:50am Write me a note:
I hope to see you on Wednesday Please think about who is involved in the practice of building. Please try to log in and register for our blog.