DESCRIBE AN ERGONOMICALLY CORRECT WORK ENVIRONMENT An ergonomically correct environment refers to workplace conditions that are safe and have no risk of injuries; also without a potential danger of ergonomic disorders (e.g., carpel tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, tendonitis).Ergonomics work environment focuses on items such as the design and function of workstations, controls, displays, safety devices, tools and lighting to fit the employee’s physical requirements, capabilities and limitations to ensure his/her health and well being.
ASSESS THE PERSONAL HEALTH RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Health issues related to information and communication technology occur when one is not careful. There are many dangers of ergonomic disorders (e.g., carpel tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, tendonitis).Tendonitis is as known as a infection which is inflammation (reddened, swollen) of a tendon, most commonly from overuse but also from infection or rheumatic (pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue) disease. Also, carpel tunnel syndrome may be caused by repetitive movements over a long period, or by fluid retention(water is found both inside and outside the body's cells) and is characterized by sensations of tingling, numbness, or burning.
THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE ENVIRONMENT The impact of information and communication technology is hazardous for the environment through the manufacturing or disposal of devices and from making the new equipment. Also from the productions from electronic devices, toxic chemicals are released and still can be releasing as you’re using the device. Also the toxic chemical is released when the disposal of the product in the land sit or the community it was shipped to, making the environment unsafe by putting the toxins in the soil and the air we breathe. Therefore, the impact of information and communication technology is dangerous for the environment and the organisms.
HOW TO PREVENT THE RISK ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY To fine a device that can be used of a long period of time and if a part has broke then we should not have dispose of the device but to get the replacements parts from the company. We should also have non-toxics substance our device not to harm anyone. Therefore this is how to prevent risk associated with information and communication technology.
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