South African Qualifications Authority Annual Report 2006–2007 Samuel BA Isaacs Executive Officer South African Qualifications Authority 23 October 2007
Overview of presentation Achievements Challenges Way forward
Qualifications Registered three NC: Vocational qualifications at NQF Levels 2, 3 and 4 to support the DoE’s recapitalisation of FET colleges Registered qualifications to professionalise Public Service as a result of JIP with the DPSA
Scarce skills Responded to JIPSA by ◦ Initiating a review and revision of trade qualifications in the manufacturing and engineering sector ◦ Registering internationally comparable qualifications in Welding ◦ Participated in JIPSA technical working group
Analysis based on the National Learners’ Records Database Trends in Public Higher Education in South Africa 1995 to 2004
Trends in higher education Completed a report on ‘Trends in Public Higher Education in South Africa 1995 to 2004’ Launched by Minister of Education National Learners’ Records Database is increasingly seen as the key national database for education and training.
In the Report: 54 work-related fields of study, grouped into 5 broad fields Trends per field of study, qualification type and level, population group, and gender. Analysis of SA ‘pool’ in the same categories. Of benefit to: Labour Market and Educational analysis and decision-making; Employment Equity Planning; Academic Planning
Sample page: Trends by Broad Field of Study Largest average annual growth: Business and Management Sciences Lowest average annual growth: Social Sciences and Humanities Second lowest: Engineering Sciences and Technology
Research Building SAQA’s research capacity to provide intellectual leadership Uptake and impact of qualifications in early childhood development Doing research on Recognition of Prior Learning in conjuction with OECD
Strategic advocacy Publications: SAQA Update, Bulletin. Media: Engineering News, Business Brief, CEO magazine, Govt Digest NQF Support Link SAQA website NQF Gateway
Professional qualifications Research report Establishment of review panel Consultative workshop with 200 delegates Review panel recommendations
Commonwealth Research conducted by SAQA The recognition of teacher qualifications and professional registration status across Commonwealth member states Working group held 28 – 29 Sept 2006 in Tshwane Report published and presented at 16th Commonwealth Council of Education Ministers, 10–14 December 2006 in Cape Town
NQF colloquium Theme: “The NQF as a socially inclusive and cohesive system” Jim Gallacher (Scotland) Samuel Isaacs (SAQA) Ben Parker and Ken Harley (SAQA) Molapo Qhobela (DoE) Yusef Waghid (Stellenbosch Univ) Mary Metcalfe (Wits Univ)
International liaison European Qualifications Framework SADC initiatives Seychelles Qualifications Authority Mauritius Qualifications Authority 9 international delegations visited SAQA
Foreign qualifications
71% increase in applications from the last financial year Developed a trends report of persons with foreign qualifications entering South Africa Top 7 countries - Zimbabwe, India, DRC, Nigeria, UK, Lesotho, Peoples’ Republic of China
Quality Assurance Progressed from monitoring compliance auditing to performance auditing of ETQAs Carried out targeted monitoring interventions in high-risk areas such as firearm and driver training
People development Staff Performance and recognition programme implemented Training and development programme implemented Investors In People (IIP) standard until 2009 Broadbanding
Employment Equity SAQA targets aligned with latest census on economically active population. Overall we meet our targets, however we exceed target in respect of white females. SAQA focuses on skills development for all employees to ensure effective delivery of mandate. Human Resources on page 31 of AR provide snapshot of EE status as at 31 March 2007.
Information Technology Implementing integrated IT solutions to improve service delivery Registration module for applications for the evaluation of foreign qualifications NQF gateway upgrade Community Gateway improvements in usability and security Goldmine Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software ACCPAC financial system
Summary of budget/expenditure per programme ProgrammeBudget for 2006/2007BudgetExpensesNet Programme 1 National Standards Setting and Development15,999,25815,064,494934,764 Programme 2 National Quality Assurance and Development4,121,4493,464,367657,082 Programme 3 National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) 3,581,3903,320,556260,834 Programme 4 National Centre for the Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications5,000,0004,873,135126,865 Programme 5 Administration and Support 5.1 Executive Office including Secretariat 5.2 Finance and Administration 5.3 Human Resources 5.4 Information Technology 5.5 Strategic Support Communications Research Resource Centre 36,985,75330,331,1406,654,613 Totals65,687,85057,053,6928,634,158
Finances Spent 87% of budget 7% (R4.5m) was budgeted for parking garage and repairs to the west façade. Although work had started payment was only due in next financial year. 6% under spent. 10 th Unqualified Audit Report.
Challenges NQF review process Ensure that SAQA’s role is clearly defined Relationships with partners dramatically improved
Way forward Changing landscape of education and training SAQA actively involved in the development of 3 QCs Transitional arrangements
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South African Qualifications Authority Annual Report 2006–2007 Samuel BA Isaacs Executive Officer South African Qualifications Authority 23 October 2007