DAY OF THE DEAD ~For the dead Of the dead By the …
WHAT IS DOING IN THIS FESTIVAL ? In November 1 and 2 people are remained of the Dead. In November 1 and 2 people are remained of the Dead. They pray for the Dead. They pray for the Dead. Decorate a grave with so many flowers and big candles. Decorate a grave with so many flowers and big candles.
IT’S LIKE OBONN IN JAPAN ? People pray for Dead. People pray for Dead. Obon is silent all time in the day. Obon is silent all time in the day. Obon means pain of the HELL ! Obon means pain of the HELL !
THAT’S INTERESTING ! Citizens and tourists are so interested by the festival. Citizens and tourists are so interested by the festival. They eat food and decorated themselves. They eat food and decorated themselves.
WHERE STARTED ? Day of the Dead is started in France. Day of the Dead is started in France. When and Why ? When and Why ?
LONG LONG TIME AGO Day of the Dead was started about 1000 years ago ! Day of the Dead was started about 1000 years ago ! Odiro held Day of the Dead. Odiro held Day of the Dead.
WHY HE HELD DAY OF THE DEAD ? A person who is dead go to alike hell, they think. A person who is dead go to alike hell, they think. They call there Purgatorium. They call there Purgatorium. When people who live pray for Dead, Dead get away When people who live pray for Dead, Dead get away from Purgatorium as soon as they pray. from Purgatorium as soon as they pray.
THE FESTIVAL IS LOVED MANY PEOPLE So living people pray for Dead and held the festival. So living people pray for Dead and held the festival. Martin Luther Martin Luther deletes festivals which isn’t written in Bible except Day of the Dead deletes festivals which isn’t written in Bible except Day of the Dead Many Turist join Day of the Dead. Many Turist join Day of the Dead.
THANK YOU FOR LISTENING ! I join Day of the Dead and enjoy walking around the town if I go to Europe.