14-19 Reforms the quiet revolution Kath Ridealgh County Adviser Curriculum
Bringing your learning to life WHY? 45% of young people leave compulsory education without the minimum qualifications. This leads to a large unskilled adult workforce (rated 27 out of 30 OEDC) Low skills jobs are disappearing fast Employers need a workforce with the right skills in the future
Bringing your learning to life WHY? Work patterns have changed: More flexible working New technologies Global impact/markets It is expected that a young person today with have up to 15 jobs by the time they are 38. Some of these jobs have yet to be invented!
Bringing your learning to life It’s all about Demographics …. For the first time the 60 year olds outnumber 16 year olds. We need ALL young people engaged in employment – Your pension relies on it! Social factors Economic Factors
Bringing your learning to life Government Response Raising Participation Age to 18 All young people in Education or Training until they are 18 Changes to the Curriculum Apprenticeships Diplomas Foundation Learning Tier General Qualifications
Bringing your learning to life Foundation Learning Tier Progression Pathways HE/Employment/Training Apprentice- ships Diplomas General Qualifications Functional Skills, PLTS, Work Related Learning
Bringing your learning to life Education Reform: Apprenticeships By 2020 it is expected that 1 in 5 young people will be on an Apprenticeship Pathway Currently there are 200,000 apprenticeships in the UK this is expected to double in the next 5 years Young Apprenticeship Programme Pathways to Employment Programme
Bringing your learning to life Education reforms: Diplomas The new Diplomas are designed to provide young people with: A combination of essential skills and knowledge, both general and industry specific; Opportunities to experience different styles of learning in different environments, with an emphasis on practical activities; Flexibility and choice with options allowing them to pursue their interests and career objectives ;
Bringing your learning to life Education reforms: Diplomas Employment readiness and common essential skills, whichever industry they may choose to go into; An insight into what work is really like; An education that prepares them for work and further study at a higher level; and A high quality qualification that will be by industry and higher education.
Bringing your learning to life What subjects are available and when? PhaseLines of Learning Three-year pilot (controlled rollout through quality “Gateway”) 1 Creative and Media IT Engineering Construction and the Built Environment Society, Health and Development Environmental and Land-based Studies Manufacturing and Product Design Hospitality Hair and Beauty Studies Business, Administration and Finance Public Services Travel and Tourism Sport and Leisure Retail Science Languages Humanities Lines of Learning Diploma national entitlement in 2013
Bringing your learning to life Diplomas In Suffolk x Engineering Pilot – 47 learners new pilots to include – Society, Health and Development, Construction/ Built Environment and Environment/ Landbased – projections are: 400+ Learners 2010 – possible 28 new pilots with over 1500 learners We are predicting that by 2013 over 35% of young people will be on this pathway
Bringing your learning to life Education reforms: Foundation Learning Tier The Foundation Learning Tier will provide the framework within which units, qualifications and learning programmes at Entry and level 1 will sit. It encompasses all learning contexts and settings (offender learning, special educational needs, adult returners, etc). Progression pathways will establish clear progression routes towards level 2 for those learners with the potential to progress, and to independent living skills, supported employment etc.
Bringing your learning to life Education Reform: General Qualifications Changes to the GCSEs and A levels Like the other pathways incorporating personal learning and thinking skills – creative thinking, independent learning, etc Entitlement to Work Related Learning experiences
Bringing your learning to life Importance of Skills Development Intelligence and length of education has a strong impact on earning power – for each extra year of education/training earnings rise by 5%. Social skills are equally important as academic prowess for success in later life studies show for each social contact made a school salary in later life was up by 2% Resilience to changes in career Love of learning Can do attitude!
Bringing your learning to life Supporting Young People Mentoring E-mentoring Site Visits Industry Days Diploma Development Assignments Real Business Projects Apprenticeships Come out and see what young people can do!!!!
Bringing your learning to life Find out more