Wednesday 1/26/2011 Plan for the day: Check vocab Journal Discuss punctuating dialogue Continue reading and discussing SPEAK Remember: Vocab quiz Friday.


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 1/26/2011 Plan for the day: Check vocab Journal Discuss punctuating dialogue Continue reading and discussing SPEAK Remember: Vocab quiz Friday If you failed the test (69 or below) tutorials Thursday 6:45 and retest Friday 6:45 (MUST ATTEND BOTH)

Speak Vocabulary-1 Inconspicuous- NOT noticeable or prominent Vaguely- not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed ; not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known Simultaneously-existing, occurring, or operating at the same time Wan- of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color Demerit-a mark against a person for misconduct or deficiency Pseudo- not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious Interim-an intervening time; interval; meantime Blathers-to talk or utter foolishly; blither; babble Degrading-that degrades; debasing; humiliating Battered-to damage by beating or hard usage Mayhem-random or deliberate violence or damage Dutifully-performing the duties expected or required of one; characterized by doing one's duty

Journal 1/26/2011 “We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal”- Tennessee Williams Write about a time when you felt betrayed, either by a friend, family member or someone you looked up to. Why did the betrayal hurt so much? Did the person ever explain or try to justify their actions? Did you ever forgive the person? Have you ever betrayed someone? Do you regret it?

Rules for Punctuating Dialogue

Why is punctuation so important when using dialogue?

Passage with no punctuation… The sun slowly rose over the edge of the pink-sandy beach as the waves lapped the shore Blake sat on the cool rock and talked with his sister about his plans I’m going north said Blake I think I’ll like the weather better you know I love to ski and snowboard Have you started packing yet asked Kate Can I have your surfboard It’s all yours said Blake It is fine with me if I never use it again.

Passage with punctuation… The sun slowly rose over the edge of the pink-sandy beach as the waves lapped the shore. Blake sat on the cool rock and talked with his sister about his plans. “I’m going north,” said Blake. “I think I’ll like the weather better; you know I love to ski and snowboard.” “Have you started packing yet?” asked Kate. “Can I have your surfboard?” “It’s all yours,” said Blake. “It is fine with me if I never use it again.”

Rule #1 Each time a new character speaks, a new paragraph MUST begin. Ex. Jack said, “Jill, let’s go up the hill.” “Is it safe to climb the hill?” Jill questioned Jack.

Rule #2 Everything a character says should be in quotation marks. Ex. Jack said, “Jill, let’s go up the hill.”

Rule #3 Use a comma to separate an explanatory phrase from the quotation. Place it outside the opening quotation marks, but inside the closing quotation marks. Ex. Jack said, “Jill, let’s go up the hill.” “We need a pail of water,” Jack said.

Rule #4 Place an exclamation point, question mark, or period inside the closing quotation marks. Ex. “Don’t fall down the hill!” Jill exclaimed. Jill asked, “Jack, did you break your crown?” Jack replied, “Of course not, silly.”

Practice- On your paper revise and punctuate each sentence correctly. When does the first train depart asked Vince Tanya replied in one hour Carly said my favorite painting is Monet’s Water Lilies Have you read The Iliad asked Ned I love Sophocles replied Kaden. Toward the end of the movie Vertigo Karl said is when the plot starts to twist.

Check Your Work “When does the first train depart?” asked Vince. Tanya replied, “In one hour.” Carly said, ”My favorite painting is Monet’s Water Lilies.” “Have you read The Iliad?” asked Ned. “ I love Sophocles,” replied Kaden. “Toward the end of the movie Vertigo,” Karl said, “is when the plot starts to twist.”