W INTER 2009 W ORKSHOP S AT. 1/10 8:30-11:30 AM W EST W ARWICK HS Fritz Benz N. Smithfield High School
F IRST, T HE IMPORTANT STUFF…. Bathrooms (Down the hall take a left-”Faculty Workroom”) Coffee/etc… PD Forms
8:30-8:45 Orientation/Overview….What we currently use and know in Google (Search/Google Earth/Gmail etc.) -Create Google accounts 8:45-9:15 Tools for Organization : Google Calendar/ i Google Homepage/Google Chrome 9:15-9:45 Tools for Productivity and Collaboration : Google Docs 9:45-10:00 Break! 10:00-11:00 Tools for Communication : Google Sites 11:00-11:30Playtime/additional Google resources shared as time permits
W E A LREADY KNOW AND U SE ? Google SearchGoogle Search: finding web pages, images, maps, directions and more…. Google EarthGoogle Earth: for seeing how insignificant we REALLY are (and finding any place in the world!) Google Mail (Gmail): Google Mail (Gmail): the BEST web-based I have used for checking all accounts, filtering, file size and storage Do you have YOUR free Google account to access more advanced and personalized Google features???
Create Events/calendars for work, home, classes, etc. Create a calendar with assignments due/events, etc for your classroom or any student committee/work team, etc. Create MULTIPLE calendars that can be viewed in layers in any combination needed to share with students, parents, colleagues, etc. Set up alarms, reminders sent to your or cell phone Post a link to your calendar on your webpage, WIKI, or blog
Create your personalized, centralized Google Homepage! Locate your most important links, favorites easily incorporate your Calendars/ /and any other Google products and “gadgets” Choose a theme and view anything you need on multiple pages of your home page Preview your without “opening” it
Google’s Own Web Browser (developed from scratch in ’08) Search and type web addresses in the same window New Tab page adds thumbnails of Most Visited Sites More stable and faster loading for today’s web-based applications, not just viewing webpages (great for multi-tasking users)
o Upload your Office Documents for editing from anywhere! o Upload or CREATE Excel/Word/PowerPoint/Text docs/PDF files o Create a NEW document from scratch or from a growing list of TEMPLATES! TEMPLATES! o Collaborate on document editing between students, teachers, teams, etc. o See THIS LESSON in student collaboration w/Google DocsTHIS LESSON o CREATE basic versions of all Office documents for FREE from any computer, anywhere! o Incorporate Google docs into your i Google Homepage o See this simple/useful explanation of Google docs on YouTube:Google docs on YouTube
Break! (15 min)
Free and Easy to create/share/and edit websites (up to 100mb per website for free!) Built-in templates for themes, basic structure, etc. Designate authors/collaborators as needed Add-in any Google docs/calendars/links, etc. Puts the emphasis on Content by restricting many “bells and whistles” For Help with Google Sites- go to Some sample teacher sites created in Google sites:
PicasaPicasa: For storing pictures, uploading and sharing to photo albums Clip and collect Clip and collect information as you surf the web For for finding and managing discussion groups all over the web For a complete list of Google-related products and sites, go to or simply hot the “more” or “even more” buttons at the top ledt of your google search pagehttp://
Fritz Benz All Google products and sites can be accessed from the main Google webpage at Look for the Help menu in the upper right corner of each Google product site. You’ll find: -Tutorials/Interactive help/Video Clips, etc.. All materials shared today are in the RITTI MCG Project Site in Sakai Portal: (MCG 2008 site)