Rasheed Rabbi 1
Presentation Outline Key Idea and Key words Motivation Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) framework MONARCA system Questions 2
Key Idea and Keywords Key Idea: design persuasive system for mental illness using Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) framework. Keywords Persuasive technologies specifically designed to change user attitudes or behaviors pervade the public domain. Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) Framework Overcome the challenges of designing for mental illness system Equal involvement of patients and clinicians in the design process 3
Motivation : Address the Challenges for mental illness Include Typical Requirements for Healthcare Systems 4
Motivation : Challenges for mental illness Patient Specific Symptom diagnosis Unclear what data to monitored Self reflection on mood and behavior. People around them may understand the symptoms if they have pertaining knowledge. Uncertainty involved in treatment No singular treat regimen or set of medications work for all patients Ongoing treatment process of experimenting different combinations of medications, learning how healthy behavior (sleeping habit, daily routine, alcohol etc. ) can reduce symptoms Personal monitoring systems must be discrete and protect the patient’s privacy 5
Motivation : Requirements for Healthcare Systems Resolve the conflicting goals of patients and clinicians Empower the patients Strengthen the patient-clinician relationship Support the clinical assessment of treatment protocols Be evaluable as a clinical tool 6
Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) Consists of four design phases: 1. Understand the illness and its challenges 2. Sensitivity involve patients in design 3. Mediate co-design with patients and clinicians 4. Accommodate different evaluation goal 7
Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) 1. Understand the illness and its challenges Symptoms Treatments Stigmatization 2. Sensitivity involve patients in design Comfortable method for patient to deal privacy, sensitivity etc. Familiar Setting 8
Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) Consists of four design phases: 1. Understand the illness and its challenges 2. Sensitivity involve patients in design 3. Mediate co-design with patients and clinicians 4. Accommodate different evaluation goal 9
Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) Mediate Co-design with patient and Clinicians 10
Patient-Clinician-Designer (PCD) 11
The MONARCA System MONARCA is a persuasive mobile phone application for treating and managing bipolar disorder. 1. Self Assessment 2. Activity Monitoring 3. Historical Overview of Data 4. Coaching & Self-treatment 5. Data Sharing 12
Questions: Any Questions? 13