Brain Injury Australia’s consultation on the Australian Government’s review of disability services
What is the “Disability Care and Support” inquiry? The Australian government is undertaking an inquiry into a long term disability care and support scheme. This means that any people or organisations with an interest have the opportunity to participate.
What is the “Disability Care and Support” inquiry? Brain Injury Australia made a submission in the first round. It is available at Brain Injury Australia will make a second submission to the inquiry We want this submission to reflect the views of people across rural and regional Australia affected by brain injury, their families and carers. This is your chance to have your say!
Background We know there is a huge unmet need for disability services and that this impacts on the lives of people with a disability, their families and carers. There is no entitlement to disability services based on need in Australia, as there is with health services. The government want to find the best solution to improving care and support for people with a disability.
What does the inquiry cover? Options for the provision of long-term care and support for people with severe or profound disability. A no-fault social insurance model, reflecting the shared risk of disability across the population. How the scheme should be designed, administered and funded.
Questions for us to talk about... What are the barriers to people with a brain injury having a good life? What would it look like if these barriers disappeared? What would give you confidence that you, or your family member would be cared for throughout their life?
Questions for us to talk about... Should there be more of some types of services? Should there be new types of services?
Questions for us to talk about... How could a new disability support system be funded? Do you think a no-fault insurance model could work? What might the problems be?
Questions for us to talk about... What is the best and fairest way to work out who most needs financial support and services?
Questions for us to talk about... How could we ensure that people with a disability and their families have more control over the services they receive?
Questions for us to talk about... Other ideas?
What next? We are having these sessions around the country and we will put all the information into Brain Injury Australia’s second-round submission in April. The Commission’s final report will be delivered on 31 July To read more
more to say? phone: 1800 BRAIN1