Composing and Decomposing Shapes Unit of Study 11: Plane Shapes in Motion Global Concept Guide: 1 of 3
Content Development Composing and decomposing shapes should be taught simultaneously, not in isolation ensuring that they see that there are multiple ways to do so. Students should be given the opportunity to use pattern blocks to directly model composition and decomposition of shapes. Students can also use the Shapes Outline and scissors to transform plane shapes. Students do NOT need to name the transformations (reflection, rotation, translation). However, using this vocabulary is encouraged and will help them in subsequent grades. Students not only need to identify patterns using shapes, but also identify the rules associated with each pattern.
Day 1 and Day 2 Day 1 should focus on directly modeling the composition and decomposition of plane shapes. Students should not only use pattern blocks to model transformation.
Day 2 By the end of Day 2 students should be able to draw as well as physically model transformations of shapes.
By Day 3 students should use diagonals to compose and decompose shapes. Students will need to understand that a diagonal connects two vertices that are not next to each other. Day 3
Day 4 Students do not need to specifically name a pattern as repeating or growing, they only need to be able to identify that a pattern exists and be able to continue the pattern. Students should become comfortable using tables as a tool to analyze patterns. This allows students to see the number relationship within the pattern.
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention Reteach – Use p. R85, R88 in conjunction for students struggling with composing and decomposing shapes. Students can use manipulatives to solve these problems. Reteach – Use p. R86 for students struggling with understanding diagonals. Reteach – For students struggling with patterns have them create their own patterns with manipulatives and justify them.
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention Enrich – for composing and decomposing shapes use the Enrich Activity on TE p. 417B – using tangrams to compose and decompose shapes. Enrich – for diagonals use p. E86 – The Great Shape Divide. Enrich – for identifying patterns use the Enrich Activity on TE p. 425B – give students numeric patterns and have them create the pattern using models.