Teachers and Trainers: Qualification Standards, Training Standards Towards a community model of definition of competences
GARF How are our jobs changing Government policy Impact of new technology Upstream training v training further down the company
GARF: towards competency Management Labour legislation Budget management Communication and negotiation Recruitment and career management Development of training (policy, plans, etc)
Strategic competencies Company context (e.g. culture) Learning strategy Cost-benefit analysis of training Information management (supply database) Project leadership
Developing towards competencies Self evaluation tools Knowledge Values Strategic competencies
Competencies reference framework Detailed list of competencies against tasks Individual development plans mapped against competencies Helps companies set up training routes
Competency drivers? UK/Ireland (national: top down) Italy (regional: top down) France (local/company: bottom up)
Gender and Standards Standards of Competence Best Practice Trainers’ gender awareness
Key competencies: gender specific? General key competencies Learning Social Attitudes/values (including gender stereotypes) Work content Methodological VET reinforces stereotypes
Training Standards To include equality standards Quality training = equality training
Issues for the future Language (competency/capability/Standards …….) Trans-national competency model? Trans-national core competency model? Trans-national lessons: process of introducing a model Top-down v bottom up? Other issues: gender …………