Master of Science in Biological Informatics PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The MS in Biological Informatics program program aims to train Biological Information Specialist (BIS) professionals to provide information support throughout the biological sciences. This cross-disciplinary approach has a number of advantages, primarily that solutions found by BISs working with scientists in one particular discipline can be applied to data problems in other disciplines. Examples of problems that are universal across disciplines include: data federation, API development, data storage formats, and archiving. However, unlike many information technology jobs, BIS work will require significant knowledge of the biological domains served. Students will not only gain a broad understanding of scientific communication and information organization, retrieval, and management, they will also be required to develop a strong understanding of how informatics fits within the biological sciences. To this end, it is essential that practicing research scientists guide how these professionals will be trained. We have received funding from NSF to partner with scientists from several disciplines of biology from several institutions, and intend to expand participation over the next few years. Our current partners include representatives from the Smithsonian Institution, Missouri Botanical Garden, the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN). CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS To satisfy the campus core requirements, one (1) course must be taken from each of the three (3) Core Areas: Biology, Computer Science, and Fundamental Bioinformatics. The courses approved for the core in the Biology, Computer Science, and Bioinformatics areas are: Bioinformatics ● ANSC 542: Applied Bioinformatics ● ANSC 545: Statistical Genomics ● ANSC 543/CHBE 571/MCB 571/STAT 530: Bioinformatics ● CHBE 580: Laboratory Techniques in Bioinformatics ● CPSC 567: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology ● CS 498: Algorithms in bioinformatics ● IB 467: Principles of Systematics ● MCB 409: Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics ● MCB 432: Computing in Molecular Biology ● MCB 554/CHEM 574: Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformation Biology ● ANSC 446: Population Genetics ● ANSC 447: Quantitative Genetics ● BIOP 401: Introduction to Biophysics ● BIOP 420: Molecular Biophysics ● BIOP 541: Macromolecular Modeling ● BIOP 550: Biomolecular Physics ● CPSC 452: Genetics of Higher Organisms ● CPSC 563: Molecular Cytogenetics ● CPSC 564: Molecular Marker Data Analysis ● CPSC 568: Recombinant DNA Technology Laboratory ● CPSC 566: Plant Gene Regulation ● MCB 400: Cell Structure and Function ● MCB 416: Microbial Genetics ● MCB 418: Human Genetics ● MCB 450: Introductory Biochemistry ● MCB 452: Biochemistry I ● MCB 501: Advanced Biochemistry ● MCB 502: Advanced Molecular Genetics Computer Science CS 411: Database Systems CS 473: Algorithms GSLIS REQUIREMENTS GSLIS requires one (1) four-hour course in three of the following four (4) areas: Information Organization and Knowledge Representation LIS 551 Interfaces to Information Systems LIS 575 Indexing and Abstracting LIS 590DM Document Modeling LIS 590RO Representing and Organizing Information Resources LIS590ON Ontologies in Natural Science Information Resources, Uses and users LIS 503 Use and Users of Information LIS 522 Information Sources in the Sciences LIS 590TR Information Transfer and Collaboration in Science Information Systems LIS 456 Information Storage and Retrieval LIS 509 Building Digital Libraries LIS 556 Implementation of Information Retrieval Systems LIS 566 Architecture of Network Information Systems LIS 590EP Electronic Publishing Disciplinary Focus LIS 530B Health Sciences Information Services and Resources LIS 590HI Healthcare Informatics (Healthcare Infrastructure) LIS 590EI/BDI Ecological Informatics (Biodiversity Informatics) A typical student will thus take 6 required courses (24 hours) 1 Biology, 1 Computer Science, 1 Fundamental Bioinformatics, and 3 GSLIS. The student must then choose 3 courses (12 hours) of electives to complete the degree. It is strongly encouraged that up to 2 courses of these electives (8 hours) are thesis. A recommended list of electives is given below. Our expectation is that each student will arrange a custom program of study, suitable for the information management of their particular biological informatics application.