I WAS BAPTISED: I AM A CHRISTIAN Whom am I following in my life? Is it…… Champagnat?


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Presentation transcript:


Whom am I following in my life? Is it…… Champagnat?


I am following the very same one that Champagnat followed

I am following Jesus Christ

Because He is my Savior Because He is my Redemeer Because He is my Lord Because He gave his life for me Because He is the whole focus of my life Because He is my life Because He is my everything

I follow Jesus, in Mary’s way

And, what about Champagnat?

How does he enter into my following of Jesus?

There are millions of ways to follow Jesus

We call them Christian Spiritualities

Well, one of them is…..

TheChampagnat’s Spirituality Spirituality

He, the first Brothers and all their successors, lived this spirituality

Our Constitutions are the written expression of that Marist Spirituality

If we truly accept them as our Rule of life…

We structure our whole being according to that spirituality

And we follow Jesus in a Marian way

Sharing Marcellin Champagnt’s Charism