THE COLD WAR From 1945 to 1991, the Cold War dominated international affairs. The global competition between the United States and the Soviet Union took many forms: political, economic, ideological, cultural.
EVEN THOUGH WE WERE ALLIES AT THE END OF WORLD WAR II …The two Superpowers would soon become rivals.
WHY IS IT THE “COLD” WAR? …Because the two Superpowers never confronted each other directly in open warfare. It was inevitable that the United States and the Soviet Union would clash. Joseph Stalin: Communist Leader of the Soviet Union Supposed to be created a “classless society” that helped all workers. Actually established a brutal dictatorship over which he exercised absolute control People suspected of being opponents and critics were arrested and often sent to Gulags (forced labor camps) in Siberia.
CategorySoviet CommunismAmerican Democracy Political SystemOne Political Party. (Communist Party) A Multi-Party Democracy. OrganizationsAll labor groups and other associations are run by the Communist Party. Unions and other organizations openly negotiate with employers. Economic System Individuals & farms are owned by the state; central planners determine the nation’s economic needs; limited private property; education and health care provided by the state Free enterprise system; private ownership of property; supply and demand determine prices; people meet their own needs with some limited government involvement. ReligionReligion is discouragedFree exercise of religion Individual RightsSecret police arrest opponents; censorship; no free exercise of beliefs. Freedom of the press and expression Competing ideological System of the United States and the Soviet Union
February 1945: Yalta President Roosevelt, Winston Church, and Joseph Stalin meet at Yalta Conference Plan the reorganization of Europe a the end of the war Agree on the Formation of the United Nations Agree Germany would be divided into 4 occupation zones Agree to allow free elections in the countries liberated from German Rule. Stalin pledges to allow free election in Poland post WWII August 1945: Potsdam President Truman met with Stalin Meeting took place in Germany Serious differences began to emerge
The Cold War Begins Stalin creates wall of Satellite nations. The United States refused to share the secrets behind the atomic bomb with the Soviet Union. An Iron Curtain fell over Eastern Europe, closing it off from the West. It was both physical and ideological