Niels Pyka, FAIR Synchrotrons SIS300 Preconsortium Protvino, March 19th 2009 SIS300 lattice and main required parameters of the magnets
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Lasercooling Extraction RF Acceleration Transfer Sixfold symmetry SIS100 technical subsystems define the length and number of the straight sections of both synchrotrons Good geometrical matching to the overall geometry Supply Buildings Supply buildings on top of each straight with six connections to the tunnel OR A parallel supply tunnel at the inner shell of the synchrotron SIS300 Overview
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 SIS300 Overview
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 SIS300 Basic Requirements The SIS300 will be installed on top of SIS100 in the same tunnel. The maximum magnetic rigidity is 300 Tm in high energy mode The magnetic rigidity is up to 100 Tm in stretcher mode Curved super conducting cos(θ)-type magnets will be used with a maximum field of 4.5 T in the dipoles. The injection into SIS300 is performed via a vertical transfer line from SIS100. The design injection energy is 1500 MeV (64 Tm). The expected beam emittance is 10x4 pi mm mrad. Lower injection rigidities are possible with reduced intensity down to 27 Tm in stretcher mode. The slow extraction is performed vertically into an extraction beamline parallel to the one of SIS100. In case of emergency the beam is dumped into an internal target
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Small ring circumference and matching to the SIS100 geometry requires a FODO lattice and curved dipole magnets. Advantages a) chromaticity correction with minor DA reduction only b) slow extraction with reasonable s.c. septum strength FODO Lattice based on long (and short) curved dipoles SIS300 Lattice
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Lattice Characteristics The FODO structure with missing dipole arc has 14 half cells per sector and fits to SIS100 within a few centimeters. An additional short (missing) dipole is needed with extra power or bypass circuit. The short dipole is needed in the HEBT system too. The necessary QP aperture is larger compared to a doublet structure but the necessary gradient is considerably lower. Half of the number of quadrupoles is needed but the acceptance is lower Only half of the number of sextupoles for chromaticity correction is needed. Chromaticity correction (required for Hardt condition) is easier and does not reduce the DA as much as in a doublet lattice. The loss distribution of ionized particles is no longer peaked. The vacuum stability is assumed to be sufficient. Lower fields in s.c. extraction septum required. Fast extraction feasible. The available free space in each lattice cell becomes reasonable.
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 SIS300 Cell Layout
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Lattice StructureFODO Number of superperiods6 Machine circumference[m] Magnetic rigidity B [Tm]300 Number of lattice cells N F 6 x 14 Length of lattice cell L F [m]12.9 Straight sections length[m]4 x L F Number of dipole magnets48 long + 12 short Dipole bending angle α[deg]6 2/3 °, 3 1/3 ° Maximum dipole field B[T]4.5 Bending radius R[m] Number of quadrupole magnets84 Maximum field gradient[T/m]45 SIS300 Lattice Parameters
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 SIS300Slow Extraction Working PointQ_h/Q_v13.3 / 9.8 (preliminary) Transverse acceptanceh/v[mm mrad]50.9 / 44.3 Natural chromaticityh/v[dQ/Q] / Phase advance per cellh/v[deg]114 / 84 Gamma_t9.35 Max. betah/v[m]47.2 / 47.4 Max. Dh[m]2.33 Min. Dh[m]-4.58 SIS300 Working Point
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Transfer Section
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Transfer System
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Transfer Y-type Cryostat ACCEL Report no 1701-BP June 2008
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Horizontal plane Combination of horizontal excoriation and vertical extraction (ES+LS+MS) Chromaticity control: Hardt condition realized (separatrices coaligned) thus minimum beam loss +60 mm 60 m -60 mm SIS300 Slow Extraction
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 SIS 300 SIS 100 Vertical plane Slow extraction
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 E-dump Vertical plane SIS 300 Emergency Beam Dump This is an emergency beam dump only. It is not foreseen for machine development. The dump is located at the same area of the tunnel as the dump of SIS 100. Kickers
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Magnets: General Remarks Cooling is with supercritical He: Mass flow rate: <200g/s Pressure: <3.5 bar Pressure vessel !! All Dipoles, focusing and defocusing quadrupoles are powered in series 3 pairs of bus bars All corrector magnets are powered individually Low current option: I<250 A Chromaticity Sextupoles: two families, powered in series of 4 magnets (to taylor the DA for slow extraction some will be powered individually)
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Basic Magnet Parameters Flat top up to 100s during extraction Dipoles High energy mode ramped from 1 T to 4.5 T Stretcher mode static (but ramped to) 0.4 T to 1.5 T Ramp rate 1 T/s Quadrupoles High energy mode ramped from 10 T/m - 45 T/m Stretcher mode static (but ramped to) 4 T/m - 15 T/m Ramp rate 10 T/(ms)
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Main Dipole Parameters shortlong Maximum magnetic field [T]4.5 Number of magnets in the ring + reference magnets Magnetic length [mm] Bending angle / radius [deg] / [m]3.333 / / Free aperture (beam pipe ID) [mm]86 Coil inner diameter [mm]100 Field quality at r=35mm [units] 22 Ramp rate [T/s]1 Cos magnets Supercritical He is recooled
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Main Dipoles Block number5 Turn number/quadrant34 ( ) Operating current8924 A Yoke inner radius98 mm Peak field on conductor (with self field)4.90 T Bpeak / Bo1.09 Working point on load line69% Current sharing temperature5.69 K Inductance/length2.9 mH/m Stored energy/length116.8 kJ/m Discorap-Project by INFN Magnet finished in 2010 (courtesy P. Fabbricatore) (courtesy R. Marabotto)
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Main Dipoles / Low Loss Conductor Diameter after coating [mm]0.825 ± Filament twist pitch [mm] Effective Filament Diameter [µm]2.5 – 3.5 Interfilament matrix materialCu-0.5 wt% Mn Filament twist directionright handed (clockwise) 5 T, 4.22 K [A] T, 4.22 K 30 Stabilization matrixPure Cu ρ t at 4.22 K [n ∙m] B [T] Cu+CuMn:NbTi ratio (α)>1.5 ± 0.1 Surface coating materialStabrite (Sn-5 wt% Ag) Strand Number36 Width [mm] Thickness, thin edge [mm]1.362 ± Thickness, thick edge [mm]1.598 ± Mid-thickness at 50 MPa [mm]1.480 ± Edge radius [mm]≥ 0.30 Core materialAISI 316 L stainless steel, annealed Core width [mm]13 Core thickness [µm]25 Transposition pitch [mm]100 ± 5 Cable transposition directionleft-handed screw thread 5 T, 4.22 K [A]>18,540 Stabilization matrix RRR>70 Wire Cable
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Main Quadrupole Parameters Magnetic field Gradient [T/m]45 Number of magnets in the ring +reference magnets Magnetic length [m]1 Free aperture (beam pipe ID) [mm]>105 Coil inner diameter [mm]125 Field quality at r=40 mm [units] 22 Ramp rate [T/(ms)]10 Design principles: Cos2 -magnet One layer coil No recooling of supercritical He Low loss Rutherford cable TRANSFER Quadrupole magnets Equivalent pole tip field [T] Max. field gradient [T/m] Effective field length [m] Yoke length [m] Usable free aperture hxv [mm] Max. ramp rate [T / (ms)] 4xWarm iron x 8038
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Main Quadrupoles Block number3 Turn number/coil20 (8+7+5) Strands in cable19 Strand diameter0.825 mm Operating current6220 A Yoke inner radius95 mm Peak field on conductor (with self field) 3.57 T Minimum temperature margin1.6 K Inductance/length 2.46 mH/m Stored energy/length44.4 kJ/m Ramp-up voltage3.4 V IHEP Design Study (courtesy L. Tkachenko)
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Correction System Chromaticity correction sextupoles (6x2x2), arcs Resonance sextupoles (6x2), straights Steering magnets (6x12), each cell except 2 in the arcs Correction multipoles (6x2), end of the arcs
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 The chromaticity sextupoles are powered in series with one adjacent arc. All other correction elements have individual power supplies. Steerer magnets are combined horizontal and vertical steerers. SIS300 Correction System
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Cryomodules Type B Type A Chromaticity sextupole 105 Main quadrupole 105 Chromaticity sextupole 105 Main quadrupole 105 Steerer 105 Long dipole 86 Type D Type C Type E Steerer 105 Main quadrupole 105 Extraction sextupole 86 Short dipole 86 Error compensation multipole 105 Connection cryostat Long dipole 86 Steerer 105 Main quadrupole 105
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Chromaticity sextupoles Number of magnets24 Physical length0.75 m Effective length0.78 m Aperture105 mm Main field strength*130 T/m 2 Ramp time to Max sec. Requirements Chromaticity sextupoles Current [A]220 Stored energy [J]1376 Inductance [mH]56.7 Inductive voltage [V]60 Peak power [W]13200 Computation results Resonance sextupoles Number of magnets12 Physical length1.0 m Effective length0.975 m Aperture86 mm Main field strength*325 T/m 2 Ramp time to Max.0. 5 sec. Resonance sextupoles Current [A]216 Stored energy [J]3120 Inductance [mH]133.7 Inductive voltage [V]58 Peak power [W]12500 * Super-ferric magnet (also cos option possible) SIS300 Sextupole Magnets
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 SIS 300 Steerer Magnet Requirements H/V dipole Number of magnets HEBT (Phase A / B) 72 1 / 5 Physical length0.75 m Effective length0.65 m Aperture105 mm Main field strength0.5 T Ramp time to Max.2.27 sec. Computation results H/V dipole Current [A]228 Stored energy [J]871 Inductance [mH]33.4 Inductive voltage [V]3.36 Peak power [W]767 Saddle coils Insulated Superconducting wires
Niels PykaSIS300 Preconsortium Meeting, Protvino, 19th March 2009 Multipole Corrector 2.24 sec.2.18 sec.2.25 sec.Ramp time to max. B 4 = 767T/m 3 B 3 = 60T/m 2 B 2 = 1.8T/mMax. field strength* 105 mmAperture 0.65 mMagnetic length 0.75 mPhysical length 12 Number of magnets OctupoleSextupole Quadrupole Nested magnet Saddle coils with insulated superconducting wires Requirements Quad.Sext.Oct. Current [A] Stored energy [J] Inductance [mH]132 Inductive Voltage [V] Peak power [W] Computation results *