Circumference & Arc Length of Circles
2 Types of Answers Rounded Put mode on classic Type the Pi button on your calculator Round Exact Put mode on mathprint Type the Pi button on your calculator Pi will be in your answer
Circumference The distance around a circle
or Circumference
Find the EXACT circumference. 1.r = 14 feet 2.d = 15 miles
Ex 3 and 4: Find the circumference. Round to the nearest tenth.
Work on 5 & 6 in partners.
Arc Length The distance along the curved line making the arc (NOT a degree amount)
Arc Length
Ex 7. Find the Arc Length Round to the nearest hundredths 8m 70
Ex 8. Find the exact Arc Length.
Ex 9. Find the radius. Round to the nearest hundredth. B A 60 ◦
Ex 10. Find the circumference. Round to the nearest hundredth. 80 ◦ B A
Ex 11. Find the radius of the unshaded region. Round to the nearest tenth. 75 ◦ B A
FYI: Unit 3A Test Next Tuesday!