Elements of Fitness Cardio Respiratory Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition
Muscle Strength and Endurance Allow a person to perform daily tasks without becoming fatigued. Better posture and fewer back problems Body Composition Refers to the proportion of body fat in comparison with lean body tissue (muscle or bone) Males should have less than 25% Females should have less than 30%
Physical Health affects… Cardiovascular System Strengthen the heart muscle Respiratory System Work more efficiently Nervous System Response Mental/Emotional Reduce stress
Aerobic Exercise Any activity that uses large muscle groups Rhythmic in nature Maintained continuously for at least 10 minutes Anaerobic Exercise Intense short bursts of activity Muscles work so hard they produce energy without using oxygen
Choosing Activities Cost Where you live Your level of health Time and place Personal safety Comprehensive planning
F.I.T.T Frequency Intensity Time/Duration Type