Gal.5:16-26 The Flesh Vs The Spirit. Gal.5:22 The Fruit of the Spirit Fruit – Singular not Plural An Outgrowth of The Spirit Working in Our Lives. Fruit.


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Presentation transcript:

Gal.5:16-26 The Flesh Vs The Spirit


The Fruit of the Spirit Fruit – Singular not Plural An Outgrowth of The Spirit Working in Our Lives. Fruit Bearing is Expected: Lk.13:6-9, John 15:1-8

The Fruit of the Spirit Love : Love, that is, affection or benevolence. brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence. Active unconditional good will. Involved in 2 Greatest Commandments: Matt.22: Royal Law: Jam.2:8 The Love Chapter: 1 Cor.13:1-8

The Fruit of the Spirit Joy : From G5463; cheerfulness, that is, calm delight: - gladness, X greatly, (X be exceeding) joy (-ful, -fully, -fulness, -ous). A primary verb; to be full of “cheer”, that is, calmly happy or well off. esus First In Our Lives thers Second In Our Lives ourself Last Matt.6:33 Phil.2:3-4 Matt.22:39

The Fruit of the Spirit Peace : Probably from a primary verb ει ̓ ρω eiro ̄ (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication prosperity: - one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one again. Christ Gives Peace: John 14:27 Peace With God: Rom.5:1 In The Church: Eph.2:11-18, Mk.9:50 As Much as Possible With Humanity; Rom.12:18-21

The Fruit of the Spirit Longsuffering : Adverb of a compound of G3117 and G2372; with long (enduring) temper, that is, leniently: - patiently. Longanimity, that is, (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: longsuffering, patience. Long-Tempered God The Perfect Example: 1 Pet.3:20; 1Tim.1:12-16 Eph.4:2 God Waiting On Us to Repent: 2 Pet.3:9-15

God Is Waiting On You 1. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Acts 2:22 2. Believe in Jesus Christ – Jn.1:12 3. Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Acts 8:37 5. Arise and Be Baptized, Ac.22:  Grow In Grace, 2 Pet.3:18  If We Err As a Christian : Repent and Confess Your Sins: Acts 19:18