TEXT: Galatians 5:13, As we develop in our Christian family relationships through growing love there is a change in every aspect of our being. This change begins in:
I. Our spirit A. Whereas we may have felt abandoned, we now belong to God’s family (Rom 8:16) B. Our spirit now submits to the Holy Spirit 1. Compelled by the love of Christ for us, we now live to serve our family (2 Cor 5:14) C. This submission is possible because of a new root (Col 2:6-7; Eph 3:17 cf Heb 12:15)
II. Our soul A. Whereas, in the past we struggled for independence we now thrive on nurture (John 15:4) B. So, because of a change in our roots, there develops a change in our attitude C. This change enables us to be submissive to the Holy Spirit and to others so that we may bear the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23)
III. Our body A. In the past we struggled with insecurity because we could never “live up” to even our own expectations…nor that of others B. Because of change in our roots, our attitudes have changed resulting in a change in our actions C. As a result, in love we serve (Gal 5:13) in the sphere in which God has placed us, our family (home…then church).
1. This service comes as a result of liberty to do as we please with the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and His fruit (Gal 5:13) D. Service for God, then, is: 1, Not by compulsion but enabling (Gal 5:1) 2. Not because we’re “supposed to” (James 1:25) 3. Not because we have to in order to be saved (Rom 3:28: Gal 5:4) 4. Not because the Law requires it (Gal 3:13) 5. Not because it makes us a “better person” (Gal 5:16
E. Service for God is the logical result of Growing Love and Decreasing Fear, A Changed Root which has cause Changed Attitudes and Changed Actions… “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free…”