Roman Empire
– Religion Believed in many Gods and Goddesses – Adapted from the Greek religion – Zeus=Jupiter Calendar was full of feasts that honored gods and goddesses to ensure divine favor for the city
– Army As the political and social systems grew, the armies grew as well Rome conquered many Greek and Etruscan city states and soon controlled most of Italy – Loyal, well-trained army Legions had 5,000 citizen-soldiers Volunteers who provided their own weapons Soldiers were rewarded with the spoils of victory
– Enemies Once Rome conquered new land, they treated their enemies fairly Gave them rights and let them keep their own culture Roads – Built all-weather roads to link territories – Roads connected trade and Roman ideals all throughout Italy – United Italy under Roman rule
Expansion – Rome expanded their land through wars and battles – Carthage Empire stretched across Northern Africa – Punic Wars 3 wars
Rome continued to expand – Controlled all of Mediterranean Sea – Trade routes were theirs Became very rich and powerful Huge gap between rich and poor – Mob was unemployed and restless – Many riots – Corruption Many attempts to reform failed – Tiberius and Gracchus
Civil Wars ensued – Armies were more powerful than the state Julius Caesar – Strong general, conquered many lands – Secretly returned to Rome and took over – Forced senate to make him dictator
– Very effective leader Many reforms helped people Reorganized government Created calendar Senate feared his power – Had him killed – Ides of March
More civil war erupted – Octavian became new ruler, Augustus Roman republic ends, Roman Empire begins Augustus reformed government again – Very effective for 200 years Pax Romana
– Protected Rome and brought in trade from all over Entertainment – Circus Maximus Largest race course – Had chariot races and gladiator contests This became a way to hide the problems of Rome and its people