Geomythology People, Myths, and Science. Geomythology  Geomythology pairs geological evidence of catastrophic events and reports of such events encoded.


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Presentation transcript:

Geomythology People, Myths, and Science

Geomythology  Geomythology pairs geological evidence of catastrophic events and reports of such events encoded into the mythological lexicon of ancient societies.  What does this mean?

Destruction Myths  Great Flood  World Fire  Falling Sky  Great Darkness

World Wide Flood

Worldwide Fire

Falling Sky Great Darkness

The Great Flood

Three Oldest Recorded Versions  Epic of Atrahasis  Biblical Noah  Gilgamesh

Epic of Atrahasis

Noah’s Ark

Gilgamesh’s Utnapishtim

Water Covers the Earth

Leonard Woolley  Flood Layers at Ur and Uruk  Layers throughout all of ancient mesopotamia  What could this demonstrate?

Black Sea Theory

Science and Stories Comet Theories Global Warming Earthquakes Volcanic activity Tsunami

Think like a geomythologist!

Still Epic  Still Epic  We still tell these stories  Even make movies about them

Activity  Pans  Water  Clay/large bowls  Sand/cornstarch/potting soil  Salt  Measuring Ruler

Writing Assignment  Create a legend that explains a natural phenomenon in graphic novel style.  Must include Destruction Destruction Survival Survival Gods/goddesses Gods/goddesses Lesson Lesson  Use a Story Sequence format.

Videos  Many of these videos present alternatives views to the Great Deluge. Please preview before watching with children.   U U U  U4 U4 U4  March