The Forum SITR Mechanism as part of V4 Virtual Region Concept Monika Walczak, Andrzej Janicki
What is the Virtual Region ? From the theoretical point of view: the object ”Virtual Region” is a Union of specific sets of attributes defined in terms of Set Theory and Topology. It works. Some experimental models have been effectively simulated.
What is the Virtual Region ? (2) Practically, the Virtual Region is: A kind of region, which is self-organized locally and/or globally Relatively independent from the geographical and local government point of view but of course the local region is follows all obligatory laws and regulations. Set up as well is managed by a special consortium of selected partners (institutions, profit and non-profit organizations, SMEs and industry). The backgrounds for the consortium partnership are civil law agreements related to concreted targets of the Virtual Region.
What is the Virtual Region ? (3) Synergy and added value effect are the main motivations for common activity inside the consortium and concurrently within the Virtual Region. e-democracy (Electronic Democracy) is the platform, based on which the citizens will provide an efficient system of democracy with transparency of administration and clear access to participation in public decision-making. The Educator system that is a way to accelerate and expand the e-marketplace in the arena of Public Administrations by stimulating the formation of an integrated learning environment for the benefit of relevant target users and new jobs E-business platform is major instruments of making virtual transactions by the interested partners
Virtual Region - to contribute towards building the European security - architecture based on effective, functionally, complementary and mutually reinforcing cooperation and coordination within existing European and transatlantic institutions.
What is FORUMSITR? From theoretical point of view the Forum belongs to the category of social portals (Community portals). ForumSITR measures for formation of information society in technical, regional and local circles belong to polish language zone and other CEEC languages zone (on wishes). Purpose of forum is creation the ability of using internet technology and infrastructures, as well as the economics rules adecvate to knowledge based economy in local and regional match (with e- Government and e-Self-Government cooperation).
Partner cooperation Center (CWP) We help with management projects, getting of union grant and other sources of sponsorship, accustoming of new solution and from all over the world (with organizations establishing of cooperation). CWP is an organization of “non-profit” type, which testify services to institutions wanting develop, invest to new technologies and to generate new markets. CWP mission is organizing of cooperation of economic subject, which get increase of efficiency through effect of synergy and qualities of realized ventures.
Partner Cooperation Center In area of information society technologies(IST) e-MarketEU Funds Market of advisory services (RUD) Market of integrate services (RUI) Market of educational services (RUS) Social economic initiatives Regional and local groups JRUE, NAFTA, ASEAN Area of operation ForumSITR Center of excellence e-learnig e-transaction
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