fi-compass scope & work programme 2015 Pieter Coppens Advisory Services, EIB
How do financial instruments work? Possible role of EIB? Finance structured programme lending «blending» at the level of the financial instrument (FoF) «blending» at the level of the financial instrument individual projects / framework loans Advisory EU-28 (fi-compass) tailored - ex ante assessment for MAs Fund of Fund management individual projects Fund of Funds Managing Authority Financial Intermediaries Financial Intermediary Final recipients Financial products Final recipients Financial products OR
ESIF financial instruments – the role of EIB Joint EC/EIB Group initiatives (JEREMIE, JESSICA, JASMINE) were instrumental in boosting SF programme implementation through FIs from around EUR 1,2 bn in to approx. EUR 14,2 bn in EIB Group has 33 Holding Fund mandates in 13 Member States managing a total of EUR 3.9 billion of programme contributions on the ground; bilateral advisory services to MS/MAs for specific FIs under their ESIF programmes Extensive institutional knowledge and capacity built as a result, both upstream (policies and regulatory environment) and downstream (detailed market knowledge) EIB Group experiences to date The EC and the EIB agreed to jointly extend their support initiatives of , and to develop fi-compass as a single advisory framework, with EIB delivering its horizontal advisory activities to the benefit of all Member States. EIB and fi-compass delivery in
fi-compass is a unique platform for advisory services on financial instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and microfinance under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), provided by the European Commission in partnership with the European Investment Bank.ESIFEaSI fi-compass is designed to meet the needs of ESIF managing authorities that want to make better use of financial instruments, EaSI microfinance providers and other interested parties, by providing practical know-how and learning tools on financial instruments. In a nutshell
Objectives and corresponding advisory products
Dedicated workstreams to address Fund-specific needs Awareness raising on ESIF FI General advice regarding ESIF common framework & FI lifecycle Continuation of JASMINE microfinance support ESI Fund-specific advice, taking into account past FI experiences (if any), Fund-specific rules, sector needs and final recipients profiles
What will it offer in 2015?
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