Inheritance Patterns and Human Genetics
Learning Intention Fill In Understand how the patterns of ___________ ____________can used to _________ and ___________ genetic disorders.
Learning Intention Understand how the patterns of genetic inheritance can used to identify and predict genetic disorders.
Linkage Groups The genes located on one chromosome Small Group Discussion: Why are linkage groups significant? (think about the learning intention…)
X – Linked Genes Y – Linked Genes What do these 2 terms have in common? How are they different?
Gender Determination In Humans: XX – Female XY – Male What is the % chance that a couples first child will be a boy? Explain.
Mapping Chromosomes & Genetic Changes
Chromosome Mapping A diagram that shows the linear sequence of genes on a chromosome
How are Chromosome maps constructed? – The greater the distance between two genes, the greater likelihood that they will be separated during crossing over. – Distances between genes are represented in map units. – Ex: 2 map units indicates that the genes cross over 2% of the time.
Mutations Any change in the DNA sequence
What causes mutations??? Errors in replication, transcription, cell division, or by external agents – External agents that cause mutations are called mutagens. – Cancer causing mutagens are called carcinogens
Where do mutations occur? Reproductive Cells: gametes – Altered reproductive cells will become a part of the genetic makeup of the offspring Body Cells: Somatic cells – These mutations are NOT passed down to offspring – May cause damage to the cell
2 Classes of Mutations Gene Mutation Chromosomal Mutation
Gene Mutation: Change in the DNA sequence Point Mutations: the change in one base pair of DNA – One nucleotide was switched Why is this a big deal???? – Changing the DNA sequence can change the amino acid that it codes for which can changes the proteins ability to function properly!!!!
Frameshift mutation: (Insertion or Deletion) when a single base is lost or added to the sequence of DNA – This shifts the reading frame for the resulting mRNA codon sequence and thus almost every amino acid in the sequence would be changed.
Chromosomal Alterations Deletion Inversion Translocation Non-disjunction
Detecting Human Genetic Disorders Genetic Screening Amniocentesis Chorionic Villi Sampling
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