Daily Agenda 3rd Quarter Senior English [AP/HN] Mr. Alan C. Sanders NOTE: I do my best to update this agenda online twice weekly, but the agenda as daily posted and discussed in class is the final one. The slides are in reverse chronological order.
Monday, February 14 In Class Hawking-Sagan Quiz How do we know that we know what we know? Upcoming TBA
Tuesday, February 8 In Class AP Projects Lara Croft, Tomb Raider & Judith and Her Maidservant What are the paradigms in each of the paintings? Upcoming Tuesday: The Beauty Industry in-class reading.
Monday, February 7 In Class How do we describe Lara Croft as a paradigm? It feels like we’re searching for the words to describe this paradigm. Are we? Ditto, Judith. Consider this: Nerdy? Athletic? Intelligent? Well dressed? Okay, now I have to get—uh—real? Enhanced? Virtual? Natural? Whew! I hope I waded through dangerous territory without falling. The Beauty Industry Upcoming Wednesday: Quiz on The Beauty Industry
Friday, February 4 In Class Test on Rhetorical Terms Begin Discussion of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider Upcoming Monday: Finish Discussion of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider and Begin Discussion of Judith and Her Maidservant
WED-TH, February 2-3 Snow Days!
Tuesday, February 1 In Class Check Out The Conscious Reader Discussion of I Once Was Lost What does Glass say about the reclamation of childhood? What does Glass say about the reclamation of innocence? Upcoming Wednesday: Test on Rhetorical Terms. Finish Discussion of I Once Was Lost. Begin Discussion of Lara Croft, Tomb Raider. The next art discussion will cover Judith and Her Maidservant (16-17).
Monday, January 31 In Class Say hello to Mr. Kasik! Rhetorical Terms to Review Begin Visual Rhetoric/Literacy Unit Handout and CheeseCheese Upcoming Tuesday: We’ll begin a discussion of I Once was Lost
I Once Was Lost by Mikel Glass
Friday, January 28 In Class Banneker Letter and Jefferson’s Response Upcoming Monday: TBA
Thursday, January 27 In Class Discussion of Banneker Letter EQs: What rhetorical strategies does Banneker use to argue against slavery? How successful was Banneker’s appeal? Why? Upcoming Friday: Banneker Letter and Jefferson’s Response
Wednesday, January 26 In Class Begin Lecture on Rhetorical Analysis Apply Terminology to Banneker Letter Upcoming Thursday: Prepare for Discussion of Banneker Letter
Tuesday, January 25 In Class Please find a seat. Welcome and Class Orientation Go Over Syllabus and Guidelines #12: Do it when it’s assigned, not when it’s due. #13: No whining and/or drama. Go Over The Rhetorical Triangle Handout Upcoming Wednesday: Read Benjamin Banneker’s Letter to Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Jefferson’s Reply