The way to Jewish nationalism From segregation, to integration, to separatism
Main trends in the 19th century Haskala spread in western and central Europe. Emancipation is achieved all over Europe (except Russia) by the second half of the century Jews integrate successfully into the economy, culture and social life – in central and western Europe Anti-Semitic publications and organizations in the West; Riots and anti-Jewish policy in Russia
The crisis by the turn of the century
A step behind segregation Herzl and The Zionist movement the developments in western European societies and among Jews in Europe The Time European state of mind State of minds among Jews 17 – 18 centuries Enlightenments segregation Begging of Haskalah (Mendelssohn) 19 century Nationalism and Romantic Assimilation Reform Judaism Jewish studies Orthodoxy backslash 1848 National and Liberal revulsions Integrating among European national movements 1870’s & 1880’s Modern Anti-Semitism in central and western Europe; Riots (pogroms) in eastern Europe Jewish nationalism with Messianic belief 1880’s The movement of Lover of Zion (Hibat Zion) 1890’s The Dreyfus affair in France Herzl and The Zionist movement
The Ultra-Orthodox attitude The Jewish malaise is the punishment of god. It will end by a miracle redemption and the coming of the messiah. He will come if people will continue to pray and to observe Jewish laws and tradition
An example of Assimilation
The dimension of immigration from the Pale of settlement
The dimension of immigration To the United state
Immigration changes Jewish dispersal
Revolutionism The Jewish problem is a symptom of the problems of humanity
Jewish Nationalism/Separatism
The Bund – Jewish Socialism Founded in 1897 Jewish identity and cloture is the way to gain the support of the masses In the Socialist Russia, Jews will be recognize as a nation The Jews are a east European nation
The Historian Simon Dubnow Jewish Autonomism The survival of the Jews as a nation depends on their spiritual and cultural strength Developing "spiritual nationhood" in the Jewish Diaspora Jewish communities should maintain self-rule, and rejected assimilation The Historian Simon Dubnow 1860-1941
Teritorialism Creation of a Jewish territory (or territories), not necessarily in the Land of Israel
Spiritual / Cultural Zionism The Jews should create a center that will project on Jewish identity “It’s not the Jews problem but the Judaism problem” Echad Ha'am, (one of the people) Asher Ginsberg (1856 - 1927